How to Talk to Your Intuition, Higher Power, or Spirit Guides With Tarot Cards


“Are you psychic?”

That’s a question I’ve gotten pretty frequently in the last few days. In fact, when I told my friend I was launching a new tarot package for rapid spiritual growth and breakthroughs, she said, “Let me get this straight… You’re a psychic now?”

Ummm… no. Not exactly.

It’s a fair question though. A lot of people associate tarot cards with divination. But being a tarot reader is not the same as being a psychic. The truth is, fortune telling is only the beginning of what tarot cards can do.

One of my favorite ways to use my tarot cards is to talk to my intuition or higher power. You can use your tarot deck to speak to any power really—your intuition, your higher power, your deities, your spirit guides or the universe.

(By the way, this technique works with oracle cards, too.)

Here’s how you do it:

How To Talk to Your Intuition or Higher Power with Tarot Cards

Create a Sacred Space

In a perfect world, you’ll want to do this ritual in a room or space where you won’t be disturbed for at least fifteen minutes. I know this might be hard for some of your with roommates and families, so do the best you can. I’ve done this ritual in an airport terminal.

If possible, set the mood with soothing music, candles, and incense. Jasmine incense is my ALL-TIME favorite to use when I’m connecting with my intuition or higher power. Feel free to have a comforting drink to sip on throughout this ritual.

Sit in a comfortable position and hold your tarot deck between your palms. Close your eyes. Bring your awareness to your breath. You don’t have to change in any way—just notice it. Once you feel relaxed, and connected to your body and breath, speak aloud (or think) your intention.

For this ritual, your intention should include who or what power you want to communicate with, and what exactly you want from the conversation.

For example, it can be something like, “Intuition, I call on you for guidance.”

Wait for a moment until you feel like your intention was received. Then begin to shuffle your cards as you normally would.

Begin Your Conversation

This can be as formal or as casual as you’d like. I keep it casual—like I’m having a chat with my friend over coffee.

Spread your tarot cards out in front of you, face-down, in a big arc. Hold your left hand out, palm facing up and visualize a white light floating down from the sky and settling on your hand. Traditionally, your left hand is your receiving hand. You’re receiving the power of who/whatever you’re having this conversation with.

Notice if you feel any kind of sensation in your hand as you do this—a tingling, a temperature change, a slight pressure, anything. That’s usually a sign you’ve received your power. If you don’t feel anything right away, keep holding your hand out. Sometimes it doesn’t happen right away. If you STILL don’t feel anything, don’t worry! You’re still receiving power whether you feel it or not. The “feeling” might simply be a “knowing” that you’ve received your power and you’re ready to begin your conversation.

Hold your left hand over your cards, hovering an inch or two above them.

Ask a question. You can ask anything you want—whatever’s on your mind.

I like to start with something like: “What is the energy of the day?” or “What message do you have for me today?”

Then I move my hand back and forth over the entire arc of cards (still hovering about an inch above them). I pay attention to the sensations I feel in my hand as I do this. Once I feel either a physical sensation or a strong “knowing” feeling over a certain card, I draw that card.

That’s the answer to my question.

Interpreting Your Answer

If you look at your tarot card and have no idea what it means, sit with the card a little longer. Examine the details of the image. Look up some different interpretations of the card meaning. Also, pay attention to any thoughts or feelings that float through your mind as you look at the card.

These are all different ways your intuition (or whatever power) can use to communicate with you.

It can also be helpful to journal about whatever is coming up for your mentally or emotionally as you look at the card.

Don’t forget, you’re always welcome to ask for clarification—just like you would if your friend said something you didn’t quite understand. You can ask something like, “What do you mean by that?” Then bring your left hand over your cards, and draw another one.

Once you feel like you have your answer, go ahead and ask another question. Or it doesn’t necessarily have to be a question. Maybe it’s just something you want to say to your intuition or higher power.

Then repeat the process of drawing a tarot card.

Continue this conversation until you feel complete. To end this ritual, gather up your tarot cards and hold them between your palms. Thank your intuition or higher power for talking to you.

And you’re done! You can do this ritual whenever you feel like you need some guidance. It’s always available to you.

How do you use your tarot cards? Let me know in the comments or shoot me an email at! I’d love to hear from you.

Never forget, you’re powerful!

Have a magical day!

julie xx

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