A Super-Charged Tarot Ritual For Financial Abundance


I’m really excited to share with you a ritual I’ve done time and time again. This ritual has won me money in a raffle, gotten me a long-term freelance writing job, and helped me sell my old car for more than I ever thought I’d get for it.

What You’ll Need:

  • One piece of paper currency

  • A sheet of paper and a writing utensil

  • An assortment of coins, green crystals, or pieces of pyrite

  • The Nine of Pentacles tarot card

  • The Magician tarot card

  • The King of Wands (If you don’t have tarot cards, you can use oracle cards that you associate with financial abundance or write the names of these three cards on notecards to use in the ritual).

  • A green or gold birthday candle

  • A black birthday candle (If you don’t have these candle colors, use whatever you have on hand. The intention is the most important part here.)

  • A fireproof container

  • Cookie Sheet, foil, agate slab or something you can burn a candle on

  • A lighter

How to Do the Ritual:

Step One: Set the Mood for Magic

There are a number of ways you can do this, but to make this simple, I’ll share just one way to prepare your space for magic.

Gather all your magical materials together and in a comfortable position where you won’t be disturbed for about thirty minutes. If the weather’s nice, you can do this outside under the moon. Play some soothing music, and have a comforting beverage nearby to sip on if that helps you feel relaxed.

Close your eyes and visualize in your mind’s eye a white cloud of light floating down from the sky. Feel it touch the crown of your head. Notice what sensations come up as this white light touches you. Does it tingle? Is it warming? Cooling? No sensation at all? Whatever your experience is fine. Don’t judge it or try to force it.

Visualize the white light moving down through your body, relaxing every inch of you as it does. When it reaches your feet, allow it to spread out over your magical materials and fill the room.

This is the white light of the universe. By summoning it, you’re cleansing and charging yourself, your magical tools, and the space.

When you sense the room is fully cleansed and charged, open your eyes. You’re ready to do some magic!

Step Two: Prepare Your Space

Set up your space the way its shown on the printable guide. Place the paper currency in the upper center of your ritual space. Arrange your tarot cards or oracle cards so the King of Wand and the Nine of Pentacles are on either side of the paper currency, and the magician in the middle in front of the paper currency. Put your cookie sheet, foil, agate slab or fireproof tray in front of the Magician card. (If you don’t have tarot cards, write the names of these cards on paper and place them in their positions OR use three oracle cards that you associate with financial abundance. Set your coins in a circle around your cards and paper currency. Don’t worry about the number of coins or the spacing, just make sure you complete the circle.

Step Three: Write Your Intention

Take a couple minutes to get very clear on what you desire. Is it money? If so, what KIND of money? Do you want to win this money or make this money through a job? Maybe you want a new car rather than money. In that case, make your intention about the car rather than the money.

When you have a good idea of what exactly you want, write your intention on the sheet of paper. Fold the paper up and place it in the center near the paper currency. Intentions are strongest when they are written in first person, present-tense. It also helps to add some kind of time frame as well.

Here are a few intentions I’ve used for this spell:

Starting now, money flows to me quickly, easily and abundantly.

I always have enough money for all my desires.

This month, I make an abundance of money working from home.

I drive my new mint Chevy Spark to my fourth of July BBQ.

This spring, I travel to a vineyard in Italy with my significant other.

Step Four: Charge and Light Your Black Candle

Hold your black candle between your palms. Close your eyes and think about any doubts, worries, and fears you have about getting your desire. These are called blocks, and it’s helpful to identify these before you start your ritual.

For example: If your goal is to make an abundance of money from home, but you are worried your family will judge you for not going out and getting a “real” job, that’s a block.

Or if it’s “I always have enough money for all my desires, but all you can think about is that balance on your Mastercard, that’s a block.

Maybe it’s something more subtle like you don’t think you deserve money, or you feel bad about wanting money when there are others who have even less than you. Those are both blocks.

Remember, it’s totally fine to have these blocks. The goal here is to identify them. Once you’ve done that, spend two minutes visualizing all your fears, worries and doubts sinking into the black candle that you’re holding between your palms. Get those blocks out of your mind, body and heart, and put them into that candle.

Carefully melt the bottom of the black candle, allowing a bit of wax to drip onto your fireproof tray or surface. Stick the candle upright in the melted wax. Wait a few seconds for the wax to dry, and let go of the candle. Hopefully, it’s standing upright. If not, repeat that process again.

Once you’ve got it, light the candle.

Step Five: Charge and Light Your Green or Gold Candle

Hold your gold or green candle between your palms. Spend two minutes visualizing your desire. Connect with your emotions here. What do you expect to feel when you have financial abundance? Relief? Joy? Freedom? Send all those positive, glowy feelings into your candle. Adhere your candle to the fireproof surface like you did with the black one, and light the candle.

Step Six: Connect to the Energy of the Magical Tools

Gaze at the candles as they burn. The black candle is for clearing and banishing. It is burning away your worries, doubts, and fears. The green or gold candle is sending your desire up into the universe.

Bring your gaze to the King of Wands card. Acknowledge and absorb his energy of enthusiasm, brilliant ideas, ambition, and charm. His energy will allow you to recognize when your opportunity to get your desire appears to you.

Draw your gaze to the Nine of Pentacles. The energy of this card is wealth, luxury, abundance, and ease. Bask in the peaceful energy of this card as the candles burn.

Bring your gaze to the Magician. This is the energy that takes your idea or desire and manifests it into the physical world. You are the magician right now, taking action to turn your intention into your reality.

For the rest of the burn time, continue to visualize what your life will look like once your desire has manifested. Use all five of your senses. What do you smell, taste, hear, touch and see? These details all work together to strengthen the power of your intention.

Step Seven: Complete Your Ritual

Before the green or gold candle goes out, light your intention paper on fire and drop it into your fireproof container. Let it burn completely. This sends your intention into the universe (and the spirit world). Safely discard the ashes

Wait for the candles to burn out on their own. Never leave these candles unattended. This process takes about thirty minutes. Thank yourself for doing the ritual. Thank your intuition, your higher power, your spirit guides or the universe for co-creating your desires with you.

Your ritual is complete! Do this ritual once a week until your desire has manifested.

This ritual is powerful, and I can’t wait to hear what impact it’s had on your life. Feel free to shoot me an email at julie@magicalpowerwithin.com to let me know how it went for you!

Julie Hopkins