Learn 13 powerful white magic witchcraft spells that you can use to manifest your deepest desires, connect with your intuition, and live a magical life!
Have you ever wondered, “Am I a witch?”
If so, I’ve got news for you. You are—that is, you are if you want to be.
You are inherently powerful. You were plopped down on this big, beautiful planet with a whole bunch of natural abilities, desires, and—I’m just going to say it—magical powers. Maybe you’ve known you were a witch for awhile, or maybe you are brand new to this whole witchcraft thing.
Either way, this book is meant to introduce you to over thirty different types of witches and show you where you fit in!
Each entry breaks down what each type of witch is, what kind of magic they typically practice, and what their greatest strengths are. Many witches find that they are a unique combination of these types, and this versatility will allow them to explore a variety of magical paths throughout their lives.
So you want to become a witch? Great! You're in the right place. But where do you start?
I'm here to tell you that becoming a witch doesn’t have to be some big, complicated, expensive process.
You don’t have to get initiated into a pagan or Wiccan religion to become a witch. You don’t have to study for years and years before you can cast your first spell. You don’t have to go out and buy a cauldron and a million different kinds of incense. You don’t have to join a coven and spend every full moon dancing naked in the forests.
I mean, you can if you want to, but none of those things are requirements to becoming a witch.
All you have to do is CHOOSE to become a witch. Seriously—that’s it. No experience necessary. It doesn’t matter who you are, how your family raised you, or what you believe.
Modern secular witchcraft offers witches an incredibly simple, fun, and easy way to perform powerful magic. That’s what you’ll learn in this easy-to-understand, totally approachable introductory guide to becoming a witch.
Have you ever tried a spell and followed EVERY DIRECTION PERFECTLY only to have that spell fail?
I’ve been there. Once I tried to manifest a relationship with a guy I thought was THE ONE. It kind of blew up in my face and it killed my faith in magic for nearly a year.
Looking back at my years of spellcasting, I’ve learned a few things.
That’s how my new book Why Didn’t My Spell Work? came about. I want to encourage all of you witches out there to keep spellcasting, keep your eyes on your big dreams, and keep believing in magic!
This book is for any witch who is curious about the possible external and internal reasons your spell didn’t work—AND how to fix them.
Every witch should have a grimoire! But how do you get one?
A grimoire is a magical book that witches use in their witchcraft. It’s a spell book—plain and simple!
You don’t have to receive one from a well-known witch. You don’t need to study for years in a coven to gain the knowledge to create your own grimoire.
All you have to do is decide what kind of grimoire you want, and go out and get it!
Witchcraft is available to everyone, and a witch deserves to have a grimoire that perfectly suits their individual lifestyle. It’s not a one-size-fits-all kind of thing!
Your grimoire doesn’t have to be some old dusty spell book with tattered yellowing pages. It could be a shoebox of notecards, a blog with videos of your magical musings, or a done-for-you published spell book.
A grimoire is as unique as the witch who owns it. Whether you purchase your first grimoire, receive one from a loved one, make your own with needle and thread, or create a digital grimoire, this book will explore all the different options to help you decide what kind of grimoire is right for you!
This book will explain absolutely everything you need to know when you’re ready to get your hands on your first (or fiftieth) grimoire. The Beginner’s Guide to Grimoires is a concise, easy-to-follow guide written for modern witches who are ready to connect with their inner power and perform secular magic.
Everything you need to know to start casting powerful tarot spells and reading cards!
Tarot cards are a wonderful magical tool to use for divination, but that’s not all they can do! With a little magical knowledge, anyone can learn use a deck of tarot cards to talk to spirit guides, connect to their intuition, understand their feelings, detect the energies in their relationships, identify self-sabotaging issues within themselves, get guidance on decision-making, and, of course, spellcasting! In this book, we’ll explore some of the more witchy, unconventional ways to use your tarot cards.
When I first started learning about the tarot I discovered there were a lot of “rules”. The more I worked with my tarot cards, the more I realized that a lot of these rules weren’t necessary. Some of them felt more like beliefs to keep witches out of the tarot practice rather than actual guiding principles.
This book will show you that you do not have to be psychic to read tarot cards, nor do you have to be psychic to be a witch. All you need to do is look at the imagery of each card, familiarize yourself with the card meanings, and then decide how they relate to your specific circumstance. Anyone can do this, and with the growing popularity of tarot, it’s never been a better time to learn how to use this powerful magical tool!
This book is short, concise, and full of actionable practices so you can start drawing cards today—even if you don’t have a tarot deck yet! Order your copy of Tarot for Beginner Witches!
Learn How To Get Witchy With The Magical Moon
Moon magic is an excellent form of witchcraft for beginner witches because it’s available to you every night—all you need to do is look up! This all-level lunar witchcraft book will show you exactly how to harness this mysterious energy with or without magical tools. As a witch, you can use the ever-changing moon to cast spells, hold a moon ceremony, perform divination, manifest your boldest desires, connect with your inner wisdom, and so much more!
What You’ll Learn:
How to use the moon to deepen your connection to your intuition
Lots of fun, colorful folklore and history about the moon
An overview of the lunar traditions and correspondences associated with various sabbats (witchy holidays) and esbats (moon ceremonies)
What each moon phase means and simple ways to use the different lunar energies
Powerful tarot spreads for every moon phase and tips for using the moon for other forms of divination
How to hold a moon ceremony, cast spells, and create your own witchcraft rituals with lunar energy
A step-by-step guide for treating yourself to a cleansing moon bath
-My “wish-on-the-moon” spell to get anything you want!