
There are many parts of magic that involve fire, potions, herbs, oils, crystals, and other potentially harmful substances. Use this information at your own risk. Always practice proper fire safety and never leave candles unattended. 

The author cannot guarantee any results. The views and ideas found on the White Witch Academy website and White Witch Academy products and services are the creator’s, Julie Wilder’s, advice and opinions. They are intended for informational and educational purposes only. You are in charge of your own spiritual practice, and the views in the book are not meant to invalidate your personal beliefs and practices. 

Do not perform any of these spells or recipes without consulting the relevant medical texts and checking your sources. Read each section carefully before you begin using any of the information found on the White Witch Academy website and White Witch Academy products and services. Use this information at your own risk, and the author, Julie Wilder, accepts no responsibility for the actions or decisions of any individuals that use the information found on the White Witch Academy website and White Witch Academy products and services.

All the information found on the White Witch Academy website and White Witch Academy products and services are limited to the knowledge and experience of the author, Julie Wilder.

The spells, meditations, and rituals in found on the White Witch Academy website and White Witch Academy products and services were created by the author personally and any similarity to other resources are purely coincidental. 

Julie Wilder is not a licensed medical professional and nothing found on the White Witch Academy website and White Witch Academy products and services is meant to be a substitute for medical or psychiatric treatments.