3 Tarot Spreads & Rituals to Make You Feel Better


Something happened to me recently that really sent me backsliding into fear and judgment. I won’t get into the details, but basically, someone really violated my boundaries and refused to apologize for it. I did everything I could on my end to do damage control—I distanced myself from the person, I talked it over with trusted friends, and I vowed to never put myself in that kind of situation again.

Still, it hurt. For weeks after it happened, I thought about it, and every time I did, a little bit of my energy would trickle out. I just felt so… wronged.

I believe in Law of Attraction—like attracts like, people with high vibrations will attraction other high-vibe people and situations, etc—so I knew I couldn’t let this incident drag me down any longer. I mean, let’s face it, at this point, I was only holding myself back from the healing I deserved. I had to raise my vibration.

But it’s not that simple. Is it ever? *sigh*

You can’t just WILL yourself to feel better. You can’t force healing.

Maybe you can relate. Feeling bad sucks, right? And staying in that low vibration for more than a couple days weighs on you. You just feel… powerless.

You know that’s not true though, don’t you? The reality is you ARE powerful. That’s something I wholeheartedly believe. I’m powerful, too. And as we walk our spiritual path, we learn about different tools to help us heal… the magical way.

In this instance, I turned to my tarot cards. I began using them organically, making up spreads to shed some light on my pain and to guide me towards a happier, lighter place.

I’ve put together several tarot spreads and rituals that I’ve used to raise my vibration and bring me to a place of self-love, peace, and healing.

You can also download a printable version of these spreads and rituals by clicking the button below. I hope you find these useful!

Circle of Self-Love Tarot Ritual

Spread your tarot or favorite oracle cards on the floor in a circle face-up. Step into the circle and feel the loving energy of the cards surround you. Magical cards have loving energy—they were made for the purpose of spiritual guidance.

You can either stand or sit inside the circle. I like to sit on a pillow—do whatever is comfortable. Close your eyes and visualize a cloud of white light drifting down from the sky and enveloping you. This is the cleansing white light of the universe. Feel its soft, peaceful energy seeping into your body. Breathe it in. Allow it to fill you up. Visualize the white light get bigger and brighter as it fills the circle, then the entire room, bathing this space with positive energy. Do this meditation until you feel like you’re totally immersed in this white light. You can also play your favorite song and perform the meditation for the length of the song.

Open your eyes and look at your cards. Let your eyes sweep over the entire circle. Then, when you feel ready, select a card. Don’t think too hard about it. Just pick whatever card you feel drawn to.

Once you have your card, gaze down at it and notice any thoughts or feelings that come up. If you feel sad, that’s fine. Let the emotion flow through you without judgment. All emotions are valuable in your healing process.

Ask yourself what qualities do you have in common with this card? What special gifts do you have that are highlighted in this card? If nothing comes to you right away, sit with it longer. Let the card speak to you (or let your intuition speak to you through the card). You do have power, and you have unique gifts. Honor the things you love about yourself.

When you feel complete, thank the cards and the universe (or your deities, higher power, whatever) for aiding you in your healing. Step out of the circle and gather up your cards. Know that this ritual is available to you whenever you need it.  

Wallowing In Bed Tarot Ritual

It might seem counterintuitive, but sometimes it’s therapeutic to wallow, you know? You always feel better after a good, messy cry.

For this ritual, make a photocopy of your favorite “releasing” tarot or oracle card. From the tarot deck, I recommend the Death card, the Judgment card, the ten of swords, or the four of swords, but feel free to pick whatever card you’re drawn too.

If you don’t have access to a photocopier, print out the card image from the internet. A Google search will show you literally hundreds of tarot card images to pick from. If you don’t have a printer, trace your tarot or oracle card onto another piece of paper (or you can simply write the name of the card on a piece of paper.

Set a timer for twenty minutes.

Now place the card or paper under your pillow and get into bed. Turn off your light, and let everything out. And I mean, EVERYTHING. Don’t judge yourself here, and try not to be self-conscious. Allow the energy of the tarot card to guide you through your pain.

Once the timer sounds, get the card out from under your pillow and get out of bed. Light sandalwood incense (or your favorite cleansing incense) and walk around your bed and the corners of your room to get rid of all that negative energy you’ve just released. Make your bed. Then burn or tear up your tarot card to seal in your healing. Remember to use a fireproof container whenever you use fire in your magic.

Discard the ashes or ripped up bits in the trash or outside.

Intuitive Healing Tarot Spread

Spread your tarot (or oracle) cards out in front of you face-up. Look through each card and select two cards. One card will represent how you feel. The other card will represent how you want to feel.

Keep those two cards out of the deck and gather up the remaining cards. Shuffle the cards as you normally would. Draw three cards with the following intentions.

Card #1: What energy do I need to transition to the energy I want to feel?

Card #2: Who or what in my life can I call on for support during my healing journey?

Card #3: A special message from my intuition (or deities, higher power, spirit guides, or the universe) to help me guide me towards the energy I want to feel.

Thank your cards and your powers for co-creating that special ritual with you.

There you have it! Thanks for reading, and again, if you want a FREE printable copy of these tarot spread and rituals, click the button below.

Julie Hopkins