How to create a magical ritual to get what you really want


Before I learned about bringing magic into my everyday life, I read a lot of self-development and business books. After reading over a hundred of these book in a single year, I began to notice some patterns. There are so many parallels between magic and personal development, and it makes sense—we’re all looking for ways to empower ourselves so we can live our best lives.

My personal development journey quickly became a spiritual journey, and I began to look at my life and notice things I needed to change. I’d taken a job in publishing that was “kind of” what I wanted, but not exactly. I’d spent three years of my life dating someone who was pretty great, but not The One. I was living in an ok apartment, but I’d only chosen that location because I could afford it, not because I LOVED it.

I’d build a life for myself that was ALMOST what I wanted, but actually… not at all what I wanted. So I sat down a wrote a new story—literally. I journaled about my ideal day and my ideal life, hour by hour. I mentioned the people I’d hang out with, my ideal partner, my dream job, and a lifestyle that allowed me to live where I wanted while being able to travel to see family on a regular basis. That was two years ago, and so much has changed. I don’t have everything I wrote about in that journal entry, but I’m on my way.

The first step was deciding that almost good enough isn’t good enough. The second step was allowing myself to dream big and set huge goals that I’d been too scared to actually let myself hope for in the past. The third step? Magic, of course.

How to create a Magical ritual to get what you really want 

Here’s how I create magical rituals to get what I REALLY want. If you want to go deeper with this, get the free new moon journaling printable below. I use it myself, and if you’re into goal-setting rituals, I think you’ll love it.

1. Decide what your goal (or intention is) is and pick a day each week to perform this ritual. Here’s a free printable on candles, color magic and says of the week. For example: If my intention is to write a blog post that resonates with people, I can perform a ritual (possibly while writing my blog post) on Wednesdays because that’s a great day for communication magic.

2. Light a candle that corresponds with the day of the week or your goal for your spell. If you don’t have the candle color you need, use whatever you have on hand. The intention is always the most important thing. 

3. Write your intention down on a piece of paper. You're 42% more likely to achieve goals you write down.

4. Write three affirmations that support your intention. Write these in the present tense like you're already living them. Example: "My writing makes someone smile today." "My words flow effortlessly from my mind to my laptop." "I am an amazing communicator.".

5. Sit in a comfortable position in front of your candle. Grab a blanket if you think you'll get cold. Gaze into the flame, take a deep breath, and close your eyes.

6. Visualize what it looks like to achieve your goal. How do you act? How do you interact with others? 

6. Imagine what it feels like to achieve your goal. What emotions come up? Do you sense any fear along with the good feelings? 

7. Do this for 5-10 minutes. 

8. Open your eyes, and thank yourself for taking the time to do that. You can do this in your mind, or thank yourself aloud. 

9. If you can, wait for the candle to burn down. If you can't do that, thank the candle and the flame for participating in your ritual, and blow the candle out. 

10. If any negative feelings came up when you were visualizing, journal about them until you find the reason behind the negative feelings. Are you worried about getting coaching clients because you're scared they'll ask your questions you won’t know the answers to? Are you indecisive about signing up for a yoga teacher training program because you're don't know who will watch your kids while you're at practice? Dig into these fears. Those are your blocks, and you've got to release them before you move forward. 

I know this all sounds pretty woo-woo, but it's worked for me. This is a process I do a couple times a week and it's made me SO much more aware of what I actually want and how I'm sabotaging myself.

If you loved this post and want to go even deeper with rituals and intention setting, check out this post about manifesting your biggest, boldest goals with the power of the new moon!

Thank you for ready, and have a magical day!


Download my Spells & Candles PDF to make your own rituals! 

Julie Hopkins