I got bullied, and I'm releasing it in my Dark Moon Ritual once and for all. {Free Dark Moon Tarot Download}


Tonight the moon is in that ambiguous, witchy phase known as the dark moon. I love this phase so much because it just kind of feels magical, you know?

The dark moon phase happens right in between the waning crescent and the new moon. I believe the night of the dark moon opens the doorway to the deepest, darkest thoughts that lurk in our subconscious. That makes the dark moon is a perfect time to be still and reflect on the patterns in your life.

Some of these patterns are beneficial, like writing in the morning and design work in the afternoon. This pattern formed organically has me a lot more productive.

On the flip side, some patterns can be massively destructive without us even knowing.  I like to call them “blocks”. You’ll know if you have a block when you find yourself dealing with the SAME problem over and over in different situations.

I have a block and it’s a little hard for me to share.

So… here goes.

I was a really overweight child. I’m not totally sure why. Maybe it was because I had asthma. Or because I preferred drama class over soccer practice. Or maybe I’d discovered that food made me feel better when I was sad. Who knows? Not important. This story isn’t about me being the fat kid. It’s about what happened because of it.

I got bullied. A lot. 

Kids are RUTHLESS, you know? I’d get my stomach pinched in the hallway. I’d hear snickers when I changed in the locker room. But the worst was when I went to camp at age thirteen. A girl in my cabin, Jaime teased me incessantly. One day she took all the candy out of someone’s care package and hid the empty wrappers under everyone’s pillows... except for mine.

I think you know how that played out. Obviously, the fat girl did it. Like, how else could you explain those wrappers?

I spent the rest of my time at camp avoiding a cabin full of catty thirteen-year-old girls.

Though that’s a sad story, I’m willing to bet you have some stories like that, too. It’s pretty much impossible to escape childhood without a few scars.

But we get over it, and so did I. I’m a grown woman. I’m not a victim. I do spiritual work on a daily basis. I love personal development. I snack on carrots and go on walks, and that mean girl Jamie never even crosses my mind.

Except she does. 

Jaime, the candy caper shows up all over the place. She’s the coworker who talks behind my back. She’s the family member who asks when I’m going to get a real job. She’s the number on the scale that somehow equals my self worth. That’s right, sometimes I’m my own Jamie.

Bullying is a block that has kept me from being my best self. Even after all my spiritual work, I still bump into Jaime every now and then.

Tonight, my dark moon ritual is dedicated to Jaime. But not the REAL Jaime. 
I’m sure she grew up like the rest of us. Maybe I’d even like her. No, this ritual is to banish the Jaime I’ve created from years of reliving this pattern.

>>Click here for my complete Dark Moon Ritual + Tarot Spread Printable.<<

As I’m performing my ritual, I’m going to speak this intention out loud.

“Tonight I stand fully in the pain born many years ago. I release Jaime from my body, mind and heart. I shed my old beliefs, and reclaim my power. May this pattern end once and for all, as I open new space in my heart.”

This week, I want to hear from you! Really! What are your dark moon rituals? What blocks do you need to release? Email me here, and let me know.

If you tell me what you’re working though I’ll include your name and your block in my releasing ritual, so you have double the power.

Thanks for reading, and never forget, you’re powerful!

Have a magical day (and night!)

Julie xx
P.S. If you love moon rituals, check out my Moon Power Planner available through Etsy (click this link) and my site (click this link)It’s super whimsical. I think you’ll love it.

Julie Hopkins