How to Create a Vision Board With Magic & Incantations


How to Create a Vision Board With Magic & Incantations

A vision board is a surface where you place images, words, or objects that represent the way you want your life to look. This board could be a bulletin board, a poster board, a piece of cardboard, or a dry erase board. It can also be a bit more abstract like a slideshow of images you keep on your computer, a binder, an audio file where you describe your ideal life, or even a simple list of goals. 

A vision board is any kind of space you use to represent the goals you plan on accomplishing over the course of a season, a year, or a lifetime. The power of a vision board increases when you use a little magic with it.

Here’s how you can make yourself a magical, powerful vision board that works.  

Step One: Begin by setting the mood with some magic. Play music that puts you in a good mood, wrap yourself in a cozy knit blanket, or light some candles. Do whatever you think will make the atmosphere feel special. 

Step Two: Gather up your vision board materials and one large orange candle.

This may include:

-Whatever surface you’d like to adhere your images to 




-Tissue paper




-Gloss medium

-Witchy materials such as feathers, pink Himalayan sea salt, crystal bits, colored candles, essential oils, herbs, and dried flower petals, and anything else you use for magic. 

-An orange candle

Step Three: Take a moment to cleanse your space. The two ways I usually do this are a white light meditation or burning a sage bundle and walking around the perimeter of the room. 

To do a white light meditation, sit in the middle of the room. Close your eyes and take a moment to ground yourself. Feel the floor underneath you, supporting you. Then begin to visualize a white light coming down from the sky. In your mind’s eye, see the light touching the crown of your head, surrounding you, and filling the room. This is the magical white light of the universe. It cleanses everything it touches.

Step Four: After you’ve cleansed your space and everything inside that space, set the intention for your magic. 

Say this incantation, or make up one of your own. 

“A wish today,

An orange flame,

12 moons from now,

That wish I’ve claimed.”

Step Five: Now light an orange candle, a color associated with goal-setting, and begin to fill your vision board with images of your ideal life. 

Vision Board with the Four Elements

You can divide the board into four sections. One for each element: earth, air, water and fire. 

-Place goals around physical things (home, car, money) in the earth section. 

-Place all your intellectual and work related goals in the air section. 

-Place all your passion projects and vacations in the fire section. Sex goals can go here too!

-Place all your family, relationship, love, romance, and emotional goals in the water section.

-Spiritual goals can go in either air or water. 

Step Six: Adhere crystal bits, herbs, and other witchy materials near goals. Keep in mind the magical properties of each element. Combine them as it makes sense to you. 

Step Seven: When you’re finished, read your incantation one more time.

Step Eight: Drip wax from your candle into the center of your vision board. 

Step Nine: Extinguish your candle. Thank yourself, the elements and the universe for helping you co-create your future.

Step Ten: Place the board near a window during the next new moon or next full moon. 

This vision board will be charged with magic for the next 12 moons. Feel free to add or take off any images that no longer serve you or resonate with you. 

If any goals on this board make you feel any other than excitement, journal about those feelings. You probably have some false beliefs around this goal that you can heal, or there’s something about that goal that doesn’t resonate any longer. If this is the case, remove it without placing any judgement or meaning to it. 

Check in with your board every month on the new moon. Light an orange candle as you visualize yourself living your ideal life for 15 minutes. 

You might want to use a big orange candle, so you can use that same candle for each moon for the next year. 

Thanks for reading! If you liked this article, let me know! Or if you’ve made a vision board, send me a picture! I’d love to feature it in my Instagram. Email me at

Julie Hopkins