Brand New FREE Oracle Mini-Deck Printable! 12 Mini Cards of Magical Tools!


Brand New FREE Oracle Mini-Deck Printable

(included in the Magical Bundle)

12 Mini Cards of Magical Tools and Correspondences!

Hi my friend!

If you like the Modern Goddess Oracle Deck, you’re going to love this printable mini-deck version!

Each card has a magical tool (herbs, essential oils, and candles) an its magical correspondences. Shuffle the cards and ask your intuition, "What magic do I need in my life today?”

Pick a card and see what magical tool you’ve revealed!

Some people have been printing them on pretty paper and using watercolors to personalize these, and I’ve really enjoyed the pictures they’ve posted! If you decide to decorate these cards, please feel free to send me a picture (email me at or tag me on instagram). I’d love to see what you create.


Enter your email at the top of this page to receive your free oracle cards printable!

Julie Hopkins