How to Use the Moon to Open Your Mind and Banish Fears as you Set Goals


How to Use the Moon to Open Your Mind and Banish Fears As You Set Goals

Goal-setting is a much-overlooked element of self-care. If you’re not setting the right goals for yourself, you’re not actively creating the life you deserve.

The problem with traditional goal-setting is that it can be very surface-y. It usually involves you writing down a list of things you want to accomplish and making a plan to move forward.

And that’s valuable, too.

But it’s imperative that you start from a place of raw honesty and pure intuition. If the goals you set aren’t really what you want, or worst, you chose them because they were more “realistic” than what your deepest, juiciest desires are.

That’s where the moon comes in! A little magic can go a long way in connecting you to the ancient wisdom that lives inside you.

You can tap into that powerful wisdom by doing this special moon meditation.

Intuitive Moon Goal-Setting Ritual

To start, diffuse five drops of frankincense essential oil in a diffuser, or you can pour one cup of water (along with five drops of frankincense) into a mini cast iron cauldron. Light a tea light under the cauldron to diffuse the oil into the air. Burning frankincense incense is perfect for this as well. Frankincense is a potent herb for connection to the spirit world and your intuition.

If you don’t have frankincense, play soothing music. Movie soundtracks tend to work nicely.

Once you’ve created a sacred space, read the incantation on the free printable available here. You can do this aloud or in your head.

Under your breath repeat the phrase, “I breathe in possibility. I breathe out fear.” Gaze up at the sky as you do this.

When you feel the gentle nudge of your intuition, begin writing on your goal sheet. Write a goal, wish or possibility you see for yourself by each star on the top half of the paper.

Don’t edit yourself, don’t even think. Don’t write in full sentences. Use words, images, phrases, or symbols that represent the possibilities available to you. Big or small goals, it doesn’t matter. Just write was your intuition is telling you.

Do the same with the fears section on the bottom. Write words, images, phrases or symbols that have kept you from going for the things you want. These are your fears and limiting beliefs. You can alternate between the top and bottom halves of the sheet.

Use as many of these papers as you’d like during this session. The unconventional, random placement of the stars helps keep your mind from falling into old thought patterns.

When your intuition quiets down and you feel a sense of peace, your ritual is complete. Thank yourself and the moon for taking the first step in co-creating a magical life.

If you benefited from this ritual, you will get wonderful results (and have a lot of fun) in the Moon Power Intensive. Check it out before enrollment closes.

Julie Hopkins