Here's why YOU can perform powerful magic! (Yes, even YOU!)

Here's why you can perform magic

Here's why YOU can perform powerful magic! (Yes, even YOU!)

We all love magical tools, don't we? If you’re anything like me, you probably have drawers full of crystals, cauldrons, books, jars of herbs, and half-burned candles all over the place.

But I’ve learned that although these tools add so much to my magical practice and increase the effectiveness of my spells, if I’m not starting from a solid foundation, my spell just isn’t going to pack the kind of punch I need it to. 

The next few weekly articles are going to be going back to the basics of magic—how it works, why it works…

...and why it sometimes doesn’t work.

I think this is really important because I learned from the survey a couple weeks ago that besides not having enough time for your magic, your biggest issue in your magical practice is knowing if you’re doing it right!

I believe that magic is HIGHLY personal and subjective, but I’ve also learned through experience that there IS AN ACTUAL process for performing magic that will yield the best results possible. It’s repeatable, and it can work for anyone. 

I’m going to share that process with you through these posts, a video series, and some other fun content. 

Let’s get started by talking about the very, VERY first step to performing magic:

Believing you are capable of magic!

I know, that sounds super basic, but if you don’t believe you’re capable of performing magic or that you don’t realize that you are extremely powerful, then your magic is going to manifest a lot slower… or maybe not at all. 

Maybe you’re thinking, “Yeah, awesome, Julie. Those are nice words, but where’s the proof? How do I KNOW I’m actually powerful enough to perform magic?”

Well, because you’re a human. 

This concept is mentioned in a book called Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself by Dr. Joe Dispenza, a scientist. If you read that book, you’ll see it’s actually not about magic at all—it’s about how our brain changes through different forms of meditation.

It’s full of scientific proof (facts, case studies, and hard research) that meditation changes your brain, and therefore changes your personality. And when you’re a different person, your reality can’t help but change.

It also goes on to talk about the “Observer Effect” in quantum mechanics. 

I won’t get into to details here, but to make this extremely simplistic, scientists discovered the “Observer Effect” when an electron, one of the smallest parts of an atom, would move randomly UNLESS someone was observing it. Then the electron would show up wherever the observer was looking. The theory behind this is that your mind is controlling the electron.  And electrons are in every atom, and atoms make up all matter. You’re essentially manipulating matter with your mind. You’re manifesting. You’re using your inner power to move that subatomic particle.

You’re using your magic. If you can do that, what else can you do? 

I say, anything. 

So I want to dispel some myths about magic that I hear all the time. Don’t let these false beliefs stop you from stepping into your LIMITLESS electron-commanding power.

Myth #1: You have to be psychic to perform magic. 

Though this is an amazing gift, it’s NOT a requirement for magic. In fact, I believe you can actually PERFORM magic to open up any untapped psychic abilities. Truly. Magic can MAKE you psychic.

Myth #2: You have to be born in a magical family to be able to perform magic.

Although this can a be a WONDERFUL way to be raised, and I wish I’d learned about magic when I was a lot younger, I don’t think that’s a requirement of being able to perform magic. 

Myth #3: You have to be super happy and positive all the time to perform magic.

Heeeeeell no. False. So, so false. That’s so lopsided and unnatural. Look at nature. We have winter, spring, summer and fall. We don’t ALWAYS have summer. 

And even if you live in a California desert like I do, summer is so face-melting brutal that summer all the time would be a nightmare. (The other three seasons are perfection, though, I must say.)

Look at the lunar cycles. Sometimes the moon is full. Sometimes the moon is shrouded in darkness. 

Look at us. Sometimes you want to watch Kristin Wiig be hilarious in Bridesmaids. Sometimes you want to sob your eyes out during the latest best picture Oscar nomination film. (Why are Oscar movies always so SAD?)

It’s not about being “happy” or being in the mood for magic, it’s about authenticity. That’s your personal secret sauce when you’re performing magic. Being YOU. Not being teeth-gritting, wooden-smile “happy”. (That being said, there are ways to gently shift your emotions to align with the thing you want while still honoring your pain. But that’s for a later post.)

Myth #4: You’re too average to perform powerful magic.

FALSE! There are three things you need to perform SUPER powerful magic. 

-A brain

-A pulse

-A soul

Do you have all of those things? Or did a zombie eat your brain?

Yes? You have all three of them? Good! You have MORE THAN ENOUGH to perform any magic spell. 

I’m being a little silly here, but it’s the truth. 

You need your brain (mental abilities), your pulse (your body), and your soul (feelings) to perform magic because when you align those three things, that’s when the magic happens. 

Let me get a little more specific here because this is important.

You ARE powerful because you have the ability to align three parts of you, and that energy interacts with the quantum field (the energy field that is all around us, in nature, in the moon, in you, in your magical tools, in that phone or computer you’re reading this on). 

The way you align your brain, body and soul to perform magic is simple.

  1. You set a clear intention (mental clarity, your brain).

  2. You feel the energy of your magical intention in your body (physical sensation, your body).

  3. You connect deep emotion to your magical intention (feelings, your soul).

If you get those three things to line up, you will be able to harness your inherent power. 

Note: There are things that get in the way of aligning those things like false beliefs, fears, pain from past experiences, etc, so yes, it can be a bit more complicated than that. 

But I have ways to bust through those obstacles, too :)

We’ll get to that later!

Let me know what you thin about this article! Do you feel like you’re not powerful enough? What other myths have you heard about magic? I’d love to hear from you! Email me at

Never forget, you’re powerful!

Have a magical day!


Julie Hopkins