This Month We Honor June’s Mead Moon.
Other names for this moon include: ROSE MOON, DYAD MOON, STRAWBERRY MOON + SUN MOON.
This month’s moon got its name because June is the best time to pick strawberries. It’s also a time when the meadows (or meads) are mowed for hay.
Important Dates:
June 3rd - New Moon
June 9th - First Quarter Moon (Waxing Moon)
June 17th - Full Moon
June 21st - Midsummer, Summer Solstice, or Litha
June 25th - Third Quarter Moon (Waning Moon)
The June moon is a time for taking stock of everything you’ve accomplished so far in the year, and planning out the rest of your year. This is the midpoint of the year, just like the full moon is the midpoint of the lunar cycle. As such, it’s a time for celebration and manifesting! Set or reaffirm any intentions, and start creating a plan to make the next six months amazing!
Fill this out around the time of the New Moon.
Dear Moon and dear Universe,
I am excited to co-create with you throughout the lunar cycle of the Mead Moon. I know I live in a world full of magic and possibility, and I choose to step into my power every single day. As I electronically send up my intentions to you, I already know my desires are a done deal. I’m a goddess who manifests all her desires beautifully, and I know the Universe always delivers in the most magical, unexpected ways. I believe everything that unfolds over this next lunar cycle is for my highest good.
I will write these goals without censoring or limiting myself. Anything is possible. I give myself permission to go after the biggest, craziest, wildest dreams and I am guided by my intuition. I know that it’s totally cool to change my mind. My desires can change just as the moon changes from phase to phase. I embrace fluidity. I embrace divine timing. And I’m so ready for this.
Note: The most powerful affirmations are written in the first person and in present tense (as if you’ve already achieved your goal) with a focus on the positive aspects of your goal. For example instead of: “ Get rid of credit card debt.” say, “I have more than enough money for everything I’ve already purchased and everything I desire to purchase.”
Note from Julie: Your answers will never be shared with anyone.
“I meditate on my goals, and I trust that everything is unfolding in due time. I rejoice in the sunshine, and savor the sweetness of summer berries.”
Gratitude is the secret sauce to manifesting. If you’re grateful for the wonderful things you have in your life—even if it’s just a glimmer—more good will flow toward you.
Fill this out around the time of the FULL Moon.
Note from Julie: Your answers will never be shared with anyone.
Here’s a list of magical tools you can use to honor the power of the Mead Moon. Use these tools in spells or on your personal moon altar.
Colors for the Mead Moon
All the colors of fire and sunshine
Crystals for the Mead Moon
Green Calcite
Essential Oils for the mead Moon
Saffron oil
Mimosa oil
Hyacinth oil
Rose geranium oil
Sweet pea oil
Wisteria oil
Note: Do not let undiluted essential oils touch your skin. Be aware that any of these oils could cause an allergic reaction and many are not recommended for pregnant women. Consult a doctor before using any essential oil. Be sure to dilute essential oils in water (for a ritual bath) or in a carrier oil such as almond oil.
I recommend using essential oil in an essential oil diffuser or in a heated cauldron of water.
Plants + Flowers for the Mead Moon