How To Perform a Tarot Spell


How to Perform a Tarot Spell

Tarot cards are often used for divination and guidance, but that’s really just the beginning when it comes to working with this magical tool. One of my favorite ways to use tarot is in magic. Tarot spells are not only effective, they’re helpful for getting really specific on your intention.

How To Choose Tarot Cards for Spellwork

This all depends on your intention for your spell. Different tarot cards carry different energy. As a general rule, the cards in the Major Arcana are great for representing the elements (earth, air, fire and water) or yourself (or whoever is performing the spell).

The Fool is my go-to card for representing myself when I’m performing a spell. It holds a special kind of energy because the Fool card is numbered zero. The Fool is associated with new beginnings, limitless possibilities and blank slates. It’s the first card in the tarot deck, and sometimes, it’s not even considered part of the Major Arcana. It’s also not part of the Minor Arcana, so you can look at the Fool as having an energy all its own.

I love to pair the Magician card with the Fool because the Magician carries with him the energy of making it happen! He takes all the ideas floating around in the air—his hopes and dreams—and manifests them into existence. This is perfect for all kinds of magic. He can also be used to call in all the elements at once. In many tarot cards, the Magician is depicted with a wand (fire energy), a pentacle (earth energy), a sword (air energy), and a cup (water energy). A very powerful and versatile card for sure!

Tarot Cards For Specific Spells

For money, financial abundance and new jobs

  • The Empress

  • The World

  • Ace of Pentacles

  • Page of Pentacles

  • Three of Pentacles

  • Nine of Pentacles

  • Ten of Pentacles

  • King of Wands

  • Four of Wands

  • Three of Wands

  • Six of Wands

For romantic love, self love, friendships and other relationships

  • The Lovers

  • Ace of Cups

  • Two of Cups

  • Six of Cups

  • Four of Wands

For strengthening intuition and connecting to your higher power or higher wisdom

  • The High Priestess

  • The Empress

  • The Hierophant

  • The Hermit

  • The Wheel of Fortune

  • Death

  • The Star

  • The Moon

  • Eight of Cups

For luck and wishes

  • The Fool

  • The Magician

  • The Star

  • The Sun

  • Ace of Wands

  • Six of Wands

  • Eight of Wands

For releasing unwanted energy

  • Justice

  • The Wheel of Fortune

  • The Hanged Man

  • Death

  • The Tower

  • The Star

  • Judgment

  • Eight of Cups

  • The High Priestess

  • Ace of Swords

For productivity

  • The Emperor

  • The Chariot

  • Two of Pentacles

  • Three of Pentacles

  • King of Wands

  • Ace of Wands

  • Three of Wands

  • Eight of Wands

  • Queen of Wands

  • King of Wands

  • Ace of Swords

  • Knight of Swords

For emotional healing

  • The Empress

  • Strength

  • Temperance

  • The Star

  • Ace of Cups

  • Queen of Cups

  • The High Priestess

  • Eight of Cups

How to Choose Your Tarot Cards for Spells

When it comes to tarot magic for specific intentions, you can use this list for ideas. Just remember, this list is by no means complete, and I firmly believe you should listen to your intuition above all else. If you feel drawn to a particular card, follow that nudge! The intention you put behind a particular card is more important than the traditional meaning of the card.

How to Position Your Tarot Cards

To add power and sharpen your intention, you can arrange your cards in a specific shape that represents something to you. Just like choosing your cards, you should always follow your intuition when positioning your tarot cards.

Elemental Square Tarot Spread

This is perfect for calling in the elements to direct power towards your spell. This spread uses four tarot cards to represent the four elements: earth, fire, water and air. To do this, figure out what direction north is and go from there. I use the compass app on my iPhone to do this. Each element corresponds with a particular element. Set up your four tarot cards so the tarot card you’ve chosen to represent earth is pointing to the north and work counterclockwise from there. When you’re done, you should have a square shape with the four cards marking the corners. You can chose to make the square big enough for you, your altar, and you magical tools to fit inside. Another option is setting the tarot cards up right around your magical tool on your altar. Either one works. It’s totally up to you.

Elements and Their Directions

  • Earth—North

  • Water—West

  • Fire—South

  • Air—East

Tarot Cards By Element:

Any Element:

  • The Magician

  • The Fool


  • Any cards in the pentacles suit

  • The Empress

  • The Emperor

  • The World


  • Any cards in the cups suit

  • Temperance

  • The Star

  • The Moon


  • Any cards in the wands suit

  • The Lovers

  • The Chariot

  • The Sun


  • Any cards in the swords suit

  • The High Priestess

  • The Hierophant

  • The Hermit

  • Death

  • Judgement

Power Triangle Tarot Spread

This spread is what I use for most of my spells. Three is a powerful number in magic, and the points of the triangle can be positioned to direct that power towards something or someone. I usually angle the bottom point of the triangle towards myself to draw the magic towards me. For this spread, chose three cards. One tarot card will represent you. Often times this is the Fool, but it can also be any card you feel drawn to. This card goes at the bottom point of the triangle. Next, picl one tarot card the represents the energy of your intention. For example: a pentacles card would be great for a manifesting money spell. This card goes to the upper left of the triangle. The left side is associated with receiving energy, which is perfect for calling in money, or whatever your intention is. The right corner of the triangle is for sending out energy. Pick whatever card you feel would help you make your intention a reality. Think of this card as sending up the energy needed to support your intention. For example: if you want to attract money by getting a promotion at work, you can use the Three of Pentacles, the Emperor, or the Page of Pentacles to support that intention.

Manifesting Circle Tarot Spread

This one is super fun. Circles represent birth, life cycles, transformation and creation, which is great energy for a manifesting spell or any spell where you're trying to take an idea and make it a reality. It's nice looking spread to use in a big room or an outside space. To do this spread, go through your cards with your intention in mind and select cards you think would support your spell. This can be any number of cards. Maybe you want to use a number that holds significance like seven, eleven, or thirteen. Maybe you want to pick cards until you feel complete. Either approach works! Once you have your cards, arrange them in a circle in any order. You can place the Fool card in the center to represent yourself. Or you can write your intention down on a piece of paper and place it inside the circle. You can also sit inside the circle and let the cards surround you with their magic.

Activating the Magic

After you’ve set up your tarot spread for spellwork, you can proceed with your spell the way you normally would. I usually set up my tarot cards and sit quietly for ten to twenty minutes, visualizing my intention. If you prefer journaling about your intention, spend that time writing out the details of your desire. Then place your journal or journal pages on top of the cards or in the center of the spread you’ve created. You can also burn candles, set up a tiny cauldron with essential oil or place a crystal in the center of your spread while you meditate.

How do you use tarot in your magic? Let me know! Leave a comment or email me at

If you love tarot, check out my new Modern Goddess Tarot Deck coming soon.

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