New Moon Wishing Ritual For Manifesting Your Biggest, Boldest Goals

Hey Friend!

Get excited. The November new moon is here. It started last night and will continue for the next two nights. Why do you care? Because the new moon is the ultimate moon for wishing.

Have you ever looked back on goals you’ve made in the past, but never achieved, and wondered, “Why didn’t I just go for it?” Yeah, that’s me raising my hand right now. 

I found my list of 2018 new year’s resolutions today, and here it is November, and I’m realizing I’ve only made about half of them happen. Which is fineI’m always guilty of being way, way too ambitious (aka delusional) with my goal-setting.

But there’s one goal that keeps showing up on my lists over and over, but somehow never gets done. 

I want to get my novel traditionally published.

It’s been a goal of mine for the last nine years now. Yes, that's not a typo. Nine whole years. 

What’s the real problem here? Nine years is MORE than enough time to write a book, get it critiqued, get it edited, and submit it to literary agents until I get an offer. It’s almost a decade of my life! 

So why am I sitting here nine years later with five rough drafts of manuscripts on my laptop?

I’ve made other things happen. I’ve started online businesses. I’ve taken control of my health. I’ve traveled. I’ve spoken at conferences. I’ve dove head first into the dating world with an open mind and heart. Plus, I currently get paid to write. I’m a happy, competent adult, and I know I can count on myself to get things done.

But this thing I really want—a published novel—I just can’t seem to get it done.


Because deep down, I'm terrified that it’s not possible for me. I mean, sometimes goals are just too big, right?

Getting traditionally published is hard. My friend has been working at a literary agency for over a year now and they’ve only made one author (out of hundreds) an offer for representation. On top of that, I don’t actually know any successful traditionally published authors personally. I mean, I know they exist. But they seem kind of mythical right now. 

The other issue is that I’m a practical person, and every time I sit down to work on my fiction I hear that tiny voice in the back of my head saying, “Is writing this silly novel REALLY the best use of your time right now?” When you’re an entrepreneur, every minute counts. If you’re a mom, in school, or in the workforce, you can probably relate. You don’t get free time, and on the rare occasion you DO have a moment of stillness in your day, you spend it mentally listing the things you have to get done to keep your life from spinning out of control.

Then the next year rolls around and that crazy goal of yours is STILL on the list… staring you down—weighing you down. 

Do you have any goals you’ve been putting off for months, years, or—gulp—decades? What’s stopping you from going after what you REALLY want? What is your crazy dream that won’t stop haunting your new year’s resolutions lists year after year?

You know what that goal is. You’re thinking it right now. 

Yup, that one. Grab it, own it, and write that sucker down. Now, it’s time to sprinkle a little lunar magic on that big, grand dream of yours. It’s time to say, “Yes.” to that thing you’ve been too scared to look at square in the eye. 

November New Moon Wishing Ritual

(For all those wishes that just feel too big.)

What You’ll Need:

  • Five bay leaves

  • Clear quartz crystals

  • A journal or the Power Within Free New Moon Journaling Printable

  • Tarot or oracle cards (optional)

  • A blue, white, or gold birthday candle (but any color will work as long as you charge it with your intention).

  • A fireproof container or surface such as a cookie sheet, a pan, a pot, or a cauldron

Directions for the New Moon Wishing Ritual:

On the night of the new moon, sit by a window and prepare for meditation.

Create a sacred space by playing soothing music, lighting incense, and sipping a cup of your favorite beverage. Herbal citrus teas like orange or lemon are great for goal-setting. Peppermint tea is excellent for banishing doubts and increasing motivation. Wine, juice, kombucha, or good old-fashioned water will work just fine as well.  

Next set up your ritual. Carefully use your lighter to melt the bottom of your birthday candle until a drop or two of wax falls onto your fireproof surface (your cookie sheet, pan, pot or cauldron if you have one).

Stick the birthday candle into the wax and hold it there until it stands upright on its own.

Place four bay leaves around the candle, positioned so they are like the corners of a square. Bay leaves symbolize lots of good stuff like prosperity, fertility, new opportunities, and wishes granted.

Lay the clear quartz pieces around the bay leaves to make an outer circle. Clear quartz is a wonderful little crystal that is both abundant and inexpensive. You can often find quartz out in nature around where you live if you, too. If you don’t have quartz crystals, use pieces of jewelry, beads, or other meaningful objects. These crystals or trinkets work to strengthen the power of your wish, sending a powerful vibration up into the universe.

Hold your journal in your lap and gaze up at the sky. Allow yourself to soak up the energy of the new moon. Feel its crisp, clean energy landing on the crown of your head, your cheeks, your neck, your chest, your arms—all over your body.

Breathe the new moon energy in through your nostrils and mouth. Notice any smells, tastes, or other sensations that come up as you do this. Maybe you feel a tingling, a slight pressure, or a lightness in your body. Don’t judge, force, or hold on to any sensations you feel. Hold space for yourself to experience each sensation, and allow it pass through you the way the moon passes through its many phases.

When you feel like you’re totally drenched in the magical wishing energy of the new moon, light your candle and begin to journal.

You can use this whimsical new moon wishing ritual printable. It’s free and super helpful. You can also journal using the questions below to power your wish and send it up to the moon.

New Moon Wishing Journal Questions:

  1. What is your wish? The most powerful, high-vibration intentions are written in the first person and present tense. Example: “I am a successful traditionally published novelist.”

  2. What positive feelings will accompany the fulfillment of your intention?

  3. What will your day look like hour by hour once your intention has manifested?

  4. What do you physically look like once your intention has manifested?

  5. What qualities do you embody after your intention has manifested?

  6. What actions and daily habits or rituals do you perform once your intention has manifested?

  7. Why do YOU deserve to receive or achieve this goal?

  8. Why are you certain this intention is on its way to you?

Keep in mind that whatever actions, personal qualities and habits you wrote about, you must start doing. You’ve got to be the person who has already manifested your goal. That is how you raise your vibration to match the vibration of your big, hairy, audacious goal. Remember, you’ve got this. You are meant to have this desire. If you weren’t, you wouldn’t be having this desire. You can think of this like you’re one-click ordering something on Amazon. You know it’s coming in the mail (hopefully in two days!) even though you don’t physically have the package in your hands. You FEEL as if you already have it. That’s the feeling you want to channel during this ritual.

As you’re journaling, allow your emotions to pour out of you. See them swirling around you and your candle like a sheer white ribbon. Emotions fuel your intention. If your wish doesn’t make you feel excited, happy, joyful, or some other BIG positive emotion, you need to adjust it. If journaling and visualizing your life after your wish has manifested doesn’t get you all fired up and ready to go, your wish is either too big, too small, or not what you actually want. If this is the case, no problem! Just use your journaling time to get clear on what you actually want, not what you THINK you want.

Before your candle burns out, write your intention on the fifth bay leaf. A marker or sharpie works best for this. If your whole intention doesn’t fit on the leaf, draw a symbol or a word that represents your intention. 

Using proper fire safety, light the bay leaf with the flame of your candle and let it burn completely. You can use tweezers to hold the leaf so you don’t burn yourself while doing this. The smoke from the candle and the bay leaf will drift up into the universe, sealing your intention.

Trust that wish has been fulfilled. It is now on its way to you. Believe this with your whole heart, and let yourself feel really psyched about it!

Your ritual can be completed now, but if you’d like to do some tarot to complement your practice, feel free! It can be very helpful for showing you what your next steps towards your goal are.

Three-Card Tarot Ritual

Shuffle your tarot or oracle cards any way you like, for as long as you feel is right. Cut the deck into three piles. Hold your left hand out to receive energy from the new moon. Wait until you feel some kind of sensation in your hand—a tingling, pressure, a temperature change, or any intuitive feeling. 

Then hold your left hand over each of the three piles of cards until you feel another sensation or intuitively know which pile to select. Put that pile on top, and draw three cards from the top of the deck. 

Card #1: What energy do I need to achieve my goal?

Card #2: What action must I take to achieve my goal? 

Card #3: What personal qualities must I embody to achieve my goal?

Journal about your reflections on these cards and what they mean to you. Don’t over think this. Just jot down your first thoughts. 

Thank the new moon and the universe for participating in your intention-setting. Thank yourself for being willing to go after what you want. 

Thanks for reading! If you have any thoughts, questions or comments on this blog post, email me at Never forget, you’re powerful! Have a magical day!

Julie Hopkins