Focus your energy.
Yes, wands are actually a real thing in magic. Awesome, right? A wand is a long, slender rod that is used to gather up scattered energies and redirect them to one focused point.
When you get the Wand card, it might mean that your energy is a bit unfocused. Are you trying to do too many things at once? If you’re spreading yourself too thin, you might be slowing your progress. Remember, you can have anything you want, but you can’t necessarily have it all at once. Where are your energy leaks happening? This could be a repetitive worry about something outside your control, a commitment you made that’s burning you out, or a task that you’ve been putting off for too long.
Where does your focus need to be right now? Use your energy efficiency and you’ll see results faster than you ever expected.
The Wand card can also mean that you’re not quite sure what you want, and that’s OK. Take some time under the moon or in meditation to decide what you want (and what you don’t want) in your life.
Practical Magic for the Modern Goddess
You can use the Wand card in your spells and rituals by pointing it in the direction of where you’d like to send the energy. This can be pointing back at you, at a candle on your altar, or at an object or poppet you’ve created to represent yourself.
To cast a circle with a wand, stand in the center facing north and hold the wand in your right hand.
Make sure you’ve already cleansed your sacred space so you’re not trapping any unwanted energy in this circle with you.
Next, visualize energy moving down from the sky and into the crown of your head. Feel that energy gathering in your body and moving into the wand. Point your wand at a place on the ground where you want your circle to start. Traditionally, you start in the direction of north.
In your mind’s eye, see the energy shooting out of your wand like a crackling stream of light. The light can be any color you want. Then rotate counterclockwise (the direction of the earth’s rotation) until you’ve completed your circle.
To open the circle when you’re done, visualize the energy moving back into your wand and rotate in a clockwise motion.