Seeing is believing.
Visualization is a form of meditation where you see yourself in your mind’s eye doing things that you want to get good at or things you want to manifest. Visualizing is a common exercise used by CEOs and professional athletes. It’s a proven technique for increasing your level of performance without lifting a finger. Visualization is a big part of magic. Almost every spell, ritual, or meditation involves visualizing your desired result.
When the Visualize card appears it’s a warning to not get caught up living other people’s visions for your life. Stop trying to please others by living the life they want for you. Create your own life. Release any limiting beliefs you’ve developed around what success looks like or what it means to live a conventional life. Are you living for yourself or for others?
The number one regret of people at the end of their lives is this:
“I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.”
No regrets, Goddess. You can always change the direction of your life with one decision, one conversation, or one letter of resignation.
What do you want, Goddess? The world will just have to deal with the fact that you don’t fit into her idea of “normal.”
The Visualize card can also be a nudge to check in with the visions you’ve set for yourself. Do you still want the same thing you wanted last year, last month, or last week? Great! Keep going. If not, make the changes you need and create a visualization meditation around your new goals.
It’s OK to admit that a life path isn’t for you. Maybe you dove headfirst into entrepreneurship but you realize you hate the isolation or the inconsistent money. You’re not a failure if you go out and get a job. Let go of old dreams. Every “wrong turn” you took has led you to this point.
Your future is ready to be written, or in this case, visualized.
Practical Magic for the Modern Goddess
If you want to try visualization in the context of a spell, here are nine steps to creating your own powerful visualization candle spell.
1. Decide what your intention is and write it down on a piece of paper. You're 42% more likely to achieve the goals you write down.
2. Light a candle in a color that corresponds with your intention. If you don’t have the candle color you need, use whatever you have on hand. The intention is always the most important thing.
3. Sit in a comfortable position in front of your candle. Grab a blanket if you think you'll get cold. Gaze into the flame, take a deep breath, and close your eyes.
4. Visualize what it looks like to achieve your goal. See it play in your mind like a scene from a movie. How do you look? How do you act? How do you interact with others?
5. Imagine what it feels like to be that person, living that life. What emotions come up? The more emotion you add to your visualizations, the more powerful your energy.
6. Do this visualization meditation for about ten minutes.
7. When you’re done, open your eyes, and thank yourself for taking the time to invest in your dreams.
8. If you can, wait for the candle to burn down. If that’s just not practical, thank the candle for participating in your ritual and blow the flame out.
9. If any negative feelings came up when you were visualizing, journal about them until you find the reason behind the negative feelings. Are you worried about making more money because you’ll have to pay more taxes? Do you fear going on dates because you might get rejected? Dig into these fears. Those are your blocks, and releasing them will allow the magic to flow.