Welcome the next phase of your cycle.

The Triple Moon is a symbol depicting the waxing moon, full moon, and waning moon. Each phase holds a different energy and represents a different phase of a woman’s life.

The maiden is the waxing moon and holds the energy of growth, innocence, and action. The mother is the full moon and holds the energy of creation, caretaking, and manifestation. The crone is the waning moon and holds the energy of wisdom, contemplation, and peace. All three energies are powerful on their own, but together they are unstoppable.

When you draw the Triple Moon card, you may be going through a transition. Are you approaching a big milestone in your life such as celebrating a birthday, announcing a pregnancy, or stepping into retirement? Enjoy each phase of your life and honor the changes you experience as you grow.

Right now, you might be experiencing a sense of loss or a feeling of nostalgia. Remind yourself that it’s OK to grieve for the things that you’ve had to release. You always lose something when you experience change, but don’t forget about all the things you’ll gain, Goddess. Honor the timeless wisdom, a sense of compassion, and the experiences that made you who you are today.

Remember the freedom you felt when you learned to drive a car, the passion you felt during your first kiss, or the sense of pride you felt when you bought your first home? There are plenty more firsts to experience no matter what phase of life you’re in, and there will be “lasts” as well.

You are a goddess, and you are always growing, creating, loving, and teaching. Do not focus on what you’ve left behind. Whatever transition you’re experiencing right now, release any lingering resistance. The best is yet to come, and it will surprise you.

Practical Magic for the Modern Goddess

You can create a triple moon symbol on your altar with a cauldron and an assortment of crystals. Arrange the crystals in two moon-shaped arcs on either side of the circular cauldron. Write your intentions on bay leaves and place them in your cauldron. The manifesting energy of the “mother” (represented with your cauldron) will begin calling in those desires. The energy of the playful, daring maiden and the wise crone (represented by the arcs of crystals on the left and right sides of the cauldron) will support the efforts of the mother.

Burn each bay leaf after your desire manifests. This is a great spell to do with new year’s resolutions or quarterly goals.