Recognize it as your own.
Throwing bones is a highly personal form of divination. You can’t go out and buy a set of magical bones the way you would with tarot cards or runes. You have to acquire your throwing bones over time. A set of throwing bones can be made up of pieces of jewelry, shells, rocks, coins, various personal objects, and, of course, bones. You’ll know when an object is meant to be part of your set because you’ll sense it. It’s an intuitive feeling, and no one but yourself can pick the objects for your throwing bones set.
When the Throwing Bones card shows up, it’s time to stop and look around. There is something that you need to recognize as your own.
What is that thing? Is it a new job that you’re not sure you’re good enough for? Now is the time to recognize that it was made for you. Is there someone special in your life who you’ve been slow to commit to? Maybe it’s time to recognize him or her as your person and take the relationship to the next level.
The Throwing Bones card can also be a message to up your game. Perhaps you haven’t been stepping up and taking care of your personal or professional responsibilities the way you should be. What duties do you need to take ownership of? If not you, Goddess, then who?
Practical Magic for the Modern Goddess
When you’re putting together your set of throwing bones, you can start with a set of three objects. One object will represent you. One object will represent a “yes,” and the other object will represent a “no.” Ask your throwing bones yes or no questions. Whatever bone is closest to the one that represents you is your answer. Over time, you can add more bones until you have a set of ten to twelve. The other bones can represent things like health, career, love, male, female, past, future, and family—just to name a few.
If there’s someone in particular who you want to know about, assign him or her a bone of their own.
When you are ready to cast your bones, spread out your altar cloth and shake the bones together in your hands a bit. Then turn them out over your cloth like Yahtzee dice. Examine where all the bones fall and draw your own conclusions. This is a great way to practice tapping into your natural psychic abilities.