A tarot deck is seventy-eight card system for divination, decision-making, goal-setting, manifesting, magical spells, personal development and fun. The origin of the tarot is mysterious, and no one is totally sure when and where the first deck of tarot cards was created. Some believe the tarot tradition started in ancient Egypt as a form of communicating with the gods. Others believe the tarot began as an Italian pastime—a fun card game for parties. Still others believe the first deck came from a Spanish love divination game.
A deck of tarot cards is split into two main groups: the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. Within in the Minor Arcana, there are four suits: pentacles, wands, cups, and swords.
There are twenty-two cards in the Major Arcana. These cards are considered the “trump” cards in the deck. Whenever these cards show up in a tarot card spread pay special attention.
These Major Arcana cards are numbered from zero, always the Fool tarot card, to twenty-one, the World tarot card. The Major Arcana cards take you on a journey, similar to Joseph Campbell’s “Hero’s Journey”. The Fool card is a card of new beginnings and the World card represents completion and celebration.
If you’re dealing with a difficult life situation, separate the twenty-two Major Arcana cards out from your tarot deck and ask, “What energy do I need to successfully navigate this tricky situation?”. Your cards will give you the answer through the loving, powerful characters of the Major Arcana.
The pentacles suit represents the earth element. The tarot cards in this suite all deal with the physical world and material things. Finances, wealth, your belongings, your home and sometimes your career or family. Seeing a pentacle card show up in a tarot reading could be a sign that you’re starting to turn your hopes and dreams into reality!
The wands suit represents the element of fire. This wild and wonderful suit is all about inspiration, creativity, passion and movement! The wands tarot cards usually point to your deepest ambitions, goals, desires, and passions. Wands cards might ask, “What is your purpose?” or “What are you living for?”. No matter what the answer is, a wand tarot card showing up in a tarot spread is almost always a sign to go for it! Don’t stop now. Your burning ideas are waiting to become realized! You’ve got this. All you have to do is believe in yourself.
The cups suit represents the element of water. When you pull a cups tarot card, you know you’re dealing with matters of the heart. More specifically, cups usually refer to issues around your emotions, feelings and intuition. This suit can shed some lights on your relationships, such as your relationships with your family, friends, lover, your higher power, or even your relationship with yourself! Many times, cups tarot cards speak directly to questions about love and romance.
The swords suit represents the air element. The tarot cards in this suit deal with thoughts and ideas. Themes of mental clarity, logic, new ideas, intellect, action and change are addressed within the swords suit. Though there is often conflict associated with a swords tarot card, like a double-edged sword, each tarot card in this suit comes with its own solution. When you draw a sword tarot card, think fast! You likely already know the answer.
All 78 Tarot card meanings coming soon!
I created the Modern Goddess Tarot Deck because I wanted a tarot deck that dealt with issues and situations I faced in my everyday life. Though it comes from a mysterious lineage, tarot cards are super practical tools for problem-solving, decision-making, goal-setting, advice, guidance, and fun! I wanted the vibe of these cards to reflect the playful, joyful relationship many modern goddesses (like yourself) have with the tarot!