Face the sun.
Sunflower are used in magic to bring abundance and happiness into your life.
When you draw the Sunflower card, good times are flowing towards you now. All you have to do is open your arms and receive.
If you are experiencing hardship, take a deep breath and smile. No matter what, sunflowers always grow towards the sun. Remember that happiness is a choice. If something makes you sad and you can’t do anything about it, stop looking at it. Why focus on problems that are out of your control when there is so much beauty to take in?
You don’t have to pretend that everything is OK all the time. It is always better to be authentic than to fake positivity. But take heart, Goddess. You’ve made it through the worst of it, and the magic of the sunflower will give you the strength to stand tall on the other side. Joy, prosperity, and success await. You are so close now.
Now is the time to bring any natural talents you have to your current project and watch how quickly you gain momentum. You have the ability to radiate light from the inside out. You are powerful, and any projects you begin now will bring success.
The Sunflower card also encourages you to take some time for fun! What can you do today to add a spark of joy to your life? Go to the beach? See a movie with friends? Cook yourself a delicious meal? Pick your pleasure and celebrate yourself.
The more joy you cultivate, the more joy you’ll receive.
Practical Magic for the Modern Goddess
Place a bouquet of sunflowers in your home to instantly raise the vibration of the space.
Sprinkle dried sunflower petals in your wallet and leave them there overnight to call in prosperity.
Write down a goal you’d like to manifest in the next few months on a slip of paper. Plant a sunflower seed in your garden along with that slip of paper. As your sunflower grows, so will your success.