Unlock the forbidden door.
Samhain quite possibly is the witchiest of all witchy holidays. Plus, it’s the only holiday you can dress like a witch without freaking anyone out. Samhain happens on October 31st, or Halloween, and it’s thought to be the time when the veil between our world and the spirit world is at its thinnest. You hold the key to unlock the door to life-changing messages on this night. You can choose to use that key, or wait until next year.
Samhain is also a night for honoring and communicating with the souls who have passed on to the other side. Celebrate your loved ones and ancestors and listen as they whisper their wisdom to you.
When the Samhain card appears in a spread, you are being presented a unique opportunity. You hold the key that unlocks the door to a place you once thought was forbidden. You can be certain that there are challenges lurking behind that door. You’ll hear the whispers of ideas that will take you far away from everything familiar. You’ll gain knowlege that will change how you see the world. Your old life might not satisfy you any longer—no after listening the wisdom of spirits. But their whispters carry great power. Are you willing to risk all of that if it means you have the chance to level up?
Things can change in an instant. At any given moment, you’re always one decision away from a completely different life. You don’t have to use the key. You can stay where you are or take an alternate path to your destination.
The question is, how far will you go to get your desire? If you knew the odds were against you, would you still go for it? Is it worth the risk to you?
The key you’ve been given could lead to a dead end or to the oasis you’ve been searching for. Only one thing is certain: it will take you on a grand adventure.
What doors have you feared opening, Goddess? It could be something in your past that you’re not facing. It could be ending a relationship that isn’t working. Whatever your door is, you won’t know what’s on the other side until you cross the threshold. Once you turn that key, there’s no going back.
You can also choose to leave the door closed, but you may always wonder, “what if?”
Practical Magic for the Modern Goddess
Samhain is the perfect time to use your divination tools to receive special messages. Tarot cards, oracle cards, runes, pendulums, throwing bones, and scrying will likely bring you valuable information.
Decorate your altar with rich oranges, browns, and golds. Add black accents to symbolize the spirit world that is always present even though you can’t see it. Place family photos and heirlooms on your altar and light candles in their favorite colors to honor your deceased loved ones. You can perform a candle gazing meditation to receive messages or energy from your loved ones.
To encourage communication, you can arrange several of the Modern Goddess Oracle cards in a large circle. Use the Blue Candle card, the Spirit card, the Graveyard Dirt card, the Purple Candle card, the Jasmine Oil card, the Amethyst card, the Air card, and the Samhain card. Sit in the middle of the circle and meditate. Journal about any thoughts, images, or messages that flicker through your mind.