You’re perfectly imperfect.
Sacred geometry is the idea that certain shapes hold different energies and meanings. These shapes are the building blocks of life and can be found all over the place in nature and carved into ancient temples.
When the Sacred Geometry card appears, you might need to dial back your desire to do things perfectly. You aren’t perfect and you’re never going to be perfect. If you look in the mirror long enough, you’ll always find something about yourself to criticize. If you examine every word from a conversation you had earlier, you’ll think of all the things you should have said. No matter how awesome, talented, or intelligent you are, there’s going to be someone who thinks you’re the worst. Don’t try to win over everyone. Let the criticism roll off you.
Whenever someone sets a record, it’s only a matter of time before someone sets a new record. Scientific theories created by brilliant minds are proven wrong all the time. Leaders of countries or powerful organizations say the wrong thing and their faux pas get blasted all over the internet, where they’ll remain forever.
Your flaws make you special. Your mistakes bring about growth in yourself and others. It’s all unfolding perfectly.
Accept your imperfections and turn them into your greatest asset. You have sacred geometry in your DNA. You were made perfectly imperfect. Own that, Goddess.
Practical Magic for the Modern Goddess
Print out an image of the Seed of Life, a sacred geometry shape that symbolizes creation. Decide what you’d like to create—abundance, a new home, a loving relationship, etc. Then arrange crystals, coins, bay leaves, or trinkets that support your intention along the different circles. Place a card from this oracle deck that best represents your specific intention. Leave this magical grid on your altar for one lunar cycle if possible.