It’s not a coincidence.
Reading tea leaves is a wonderful witchy practice that you can create a whole ritual out of. A simple cup of tea represents all four of the elements. You can silently call in each one as you sip away. Earth to the north is represented by the tea leaves. You have water to the west and fire to the south represented by the hot water in your mug. Air to the east is represented by the soothing steam that rises up into the universe.
If the Reading Tea Leaves card shows up, you are entering a period of total alignment to the universe. One of the benefits of being “in the flow” is you’ll experience synchronicities everywhere. No, it’s not a coincidence, Goddess. That’s a wink from the universe, a thumbs up that you’re exactly where you need to be and doing exactly what you need to do.
Things will happen that are totally unrelated on the surface, but they’ll be meaningful to you. If you keep seeing certain numbers show up, look up their spiritual significance. Throw out your map and go down the rabbit hole. Now is the time to follow those synchronicities.
Practical Magic for the Modern Goddess
To practice reading tea leaves, sip your tea as you ponder a question you’d like guidance on.
When you’ve drunk most of the tea, you can begin reading your tea leaves. To do this, swirl the last bit of tea around in your mug three times. (If you have a favorite number, feel free to do it that amount of times. The more personal meaning you can add into your tea leaf reading ritual, the better.)
Next, turn your cup over on your saucer (or a small plate). Let it sit upside-down on your saucer for a moment so all the remaining bits of tea leaves can drain out.
Lift up the mug to reveal your tea leaves and whisper your question aloud.
Examine your tea leaves and jot down any thoughts, feelings, images, or physical sensations that come over you as you do this. Also, look for shapes in the tea leaves—it’s kind of like looking for shapes in the clouds. Another method is to gaze at the tea leaves and let your focus “soften,” like when you’re looking at a Magic Eye image. See if any shapes or messages come to you that way. You can get super abstract here. That’s sometimes how your spirit guides (or intuition) will communicate with you. The answer to your questions should be revealed to you, if not now, in the next couple days. Watch for signs!
Finally, hold your mug in your hands and close your eyes.