Listen for magical messages.
Purple candles have the power to unlock psychic or clairvoyant abilities that you’ve buried deep inside yourself.
Throughout your childhood, well-meaning adults have taught you lots of valuable information about concrete facts and everything you’d need to perform well on the SATs. Over the years, you might have forgotten what it’s like to be a child and to live with one foot in a colorful world of the imagination.
The purple candle can help you open up your mind again to all the magical messages and insights that can only be accessed through a different sense than the five you’ve learned about in school.
When the Purple Candle card appears, you might be called to use your intuitive abilities. You have more power than you know, Goddess. Just like a runner must train consistently to perform at his or her highest level, you also must train your mind to move beyond what you’ve been taught through conventional education.
There are messages waiting for you that you must access. Someone or something is trying to communicate with you. Can you sense it? Do you feel it? Maybe you’ve been aware of this message for a while, but you didn’t want to listen to it.
Sometimes, these messages are already inside of us, hidden in our subconscious. Magical practices like meditation, journaling, scrying, or reading tarot and oracle cards can help you reveal the message.
Practical Magic for the Modern Goddess
Hold the Purple Candle card in your hand as you meditate. Notice any thoughts, images, ideas, or symbols that show up when you close your eyes. Those may be messages from your intuition or higher power.
Place the Purple Candle card in your journal overnight. Journal out your thoughts and feelings when you wake up and see if any messages are revealed. Sleep with this card under your pillow to access messages through your dreams.