You’ve got this.

The pentagram is a five-pointed star. It symbolizes protection, power, and strength. It’s associated with the earth element, and you might recognize it from the pentacle which appears in tarot. A pentacle is a pentagram with a circle around it. You can draw pentagrams on fogged up mirrors or wear it as jewelry for protection and a reminder of your power.

The Pentagram card is a reminder that you’ve got this. It doesn’t matter what “it” is, you have everything you need to move past this obstacle. What skills have you acquired recently? What lessons have you learned? Now is the time to draw on that knowledge.

The problem you’re facing right now can’t be solved by going to others for help. This one’s all you, Goddess. You know what to do, and once you do it, trust in your decision.

You walk the path of magic, and you play by a different set of rules. Your perspective is grounded in the belief that life is magical. When you make decisions from that worldview, you’ll likely get more than a few raised eyebrows.

But at the end of the day, you answer only to yourself.

Practical Magic for the Modern Goddess

You can make a pentagram with sticks collected in nature. Hang it on your door or above your bed for protection and a reminder of your power. Create a crystal grid by arranging crystals in the shape of a pentagram.

You can also purchase pentagrams at metaphysical shops or online and use them on your altar. Place candles at the five points or right in the center to add power to any ritual. Place a cauldron in the center of a pentagram when you’re diffusing essential oil or making a potion and enjoy the boost of power that comes from this special symbol.