Wait for the clear yes.
A pendulum is a trinket, crystal, or charm on the end of a chain. Traditionally, you hold the pendulum in your nondominant hand, weaving the chain through your fingers and letting the charm dangle.
Pendulums are magical tools to reveal how you really feel about a particular decision. A dangling pendulum will respond to your arm’s tiny involuntary muscle movements. Because of this, any answers from the pendulum are actually coming from your body and, on a deeper level, from your soul.
When the Pendulum card appears, you may be faced with a difficult choice. All it takes is a simple “yes” or “no” to make your decision, but for some reason, you might feel stuck. This card is a nudge to put the desires of others aside right now so you can figure out how you really feel. It’s your life, and this is your choice.
You might not know the answer yet, but you will. Soon.
Don’t make any decisions right now until you get a clear “yes” or a clear “no.” You’ll know it when you see it, Goddess. You’ll recognize it on a soul level. You might be getting frustrated with yourself for being so back and forth, but sometimes waiting to make a decision is all part of the process.
Get comfortable standing in indecision right now. You won’t be here for long. Soon enough, you’ll get your answer.
Practical Magic for the Modern Goddess
To begin using your pendulum, you’ll have to “train” it first. Let it dangle from your non-dominant hand as you ask it to show you what a “yes” looks like. Then ask for a “no.” Maybe you discover that the pendulum makes a clockwise circle for a “yes” and swings back and forth for a “no.” It’s different for everyone, so be super observant.
When you think you’ve established a clear “yes” and “no,” ask your pendulum a few questions that you already know the answers to such as “Am I thirty-two years old?” or “Are my eyes brown?” Then see if your pendulum responds truthfully.
Once you’ve trained your pendulum, you can ask it all kinds of fun questions, like “Does he love me?” or “Should I rent this apartment?” Since the answers are coming from your involuntary muscle movements, you’ll get a straight answer from the deepest, wisest part of yourself.
The truth is, you might not know consciously if he loves you or if you should rent that apartment, but you most certainly do on a subconscious level.