A time of aligned productivity.
Orange candles are used in magic to propel you toward your goals and help you get clarity on what you actually want to accomplish. For this reason, orange candles are perfect to use during the new moon, waxing moon, and for the summer months when the focus is on creating a big harvest.
If you come across the Orange Candle card, this could be a call to take more action on your goals and desires. Get to work, Goddess.
Do you know what you want? If not, use this card for the goal-setting meditation described below.
If you know what you’re after, great! The energy of the Orange Candle card will bring you a period of increased productivity. Just remember to take aligned action. Don’t work for the sake of “looking busy.” Take strong, intentional action when you feel in your bones that it’s time to move forward.
When you bring your intuition into your productivity habits, you’ll find that work doesn’t feel so boring or difficult. It will feel inspired, fresh, and exciting.
The Orange Candle card can also indicate a time when you are performing at your highest level. Whatever you do right now, whether it’s in your personal or professional life, it will be done right.
Practical Magic for the Modern Goddess
To perform a goal-setting meditation, put on your favorite energizing song and hold the Orange Candle card in your hands. Close your eyes and begin putting together a scene from your ideal life, five years in the future. What are you wearing? What do you look like? What does your home look like? Do you have a romantic partner or kids? What do you spend your time doing?
Allow these images to come at you quickly. Don’t overthink this. See what your mind brings up when you’re meditating in your sacred space. Have a sense of play and curiosity as you create your ideal life in your mind’s eye.
When your song is over, open your eyes and journal about everything you saw. Underline the parts that resonate with you strongly and create some goals around those areas of your life. Choose one or two goals that can be achieved in one lunar cycle and make them happen.