Moon tea spells with flowers

How to Perform a Moon Tea Leaf Spell

For Divination and Wisdom

Enjoying a cup of tea is a ritual in itself, but if you add some moon magic to it, you can gain deep spiritual insights while you’re at it! This is an excellent spell to perform in the evening during any moon phase.


What You’ll Need:

-herbs, leaves, flower petals, or store-bought tea bags for brewing (make sure the flowers and herbs you’re using have never been sprayed with pesticides or harmful chemicals. You can purchase fresh or dried edible flowers from grocery stores like Whole Foods.)

-your favorite mug and saucer

-moon water (see directions for details)

-a mason jar (or any kind of glass jar with a lid)

-a dry erase marker

-a journal and writing utensil

Suggested Flowers for Tea and Magical Correspondences:

Rose Petals—love, relationships, self-love, romance, and forgiveness

Lavender—divination, inner wisdom, peace, and comfort

Hibiscus—Love, sensuality, adventure, femininity, happiness, goddess power, and beauty

Jasmine—balance, aligning to the current phase of the moon, dreams, and heightened psychic abilities

Mint Flowers—abundance, safe travel, and luck



The night before:

Fill a mason jar with water. Using your dry erase marker, write a question you’d like guidance on right on the outside of the jar. Hold the jar in both hands and touch the glass to your third eye—the place between your eyebrows. Whisper your question to the moon. You can ask any question you want, but open-ended questions are ideal for tea reading spells. Place the jar somewhere where the moon can shine down on it. Leave the jar out overnight, so the moon can charge your water with its timeless guidance as you sleep.

Examples of Questions:

“What energy will the coming week hold?”

“How can I improve my romantic relationship?”

“What is blocking me from receiving abundance?”

“What does he/she think about me?”

“How can I find comfort during this difficult time?”

“What energy do I need to release?”

Note: Some people believe you need to take the water inside before dawn, but personally, I don’t believe that’s necessary. As long as your intention is for the water to absorb the moon energy, so it will be.


For your tea spell:

Pour your moon-charged water into a saucepan. Bring your water to a boil. Pour the boiling water into your favorite mug, over your flower petals or tea bag, and steep for ten minutes.

Remove the petals/tea bag from your mug and discard.

Sip your tea and ponder the question you whispered last night. Jot down any thoughts or feelings that come up as you’re drinking your moon tea.

When you’ve drunk most of the tea, you can begin reading your tea leaves. To to this, swirl the last bit of tea around in your mug 3 times. (If you have a favorite number, feel free to do it that amount of times. The more personal meaning you can add into your tea reading spell, the better.)

Next, turn your cup over on your saucer (or a small plate). Let it sit upside-down on your saucer for a moment so all the remaining bits of flowers or tea can drain out.

Lift up the mug to reveal your tea leaves, and whisper your question one more time.

Examine your tea leaves and jot down any thoughts, feelings, images, or physical sensations that come over you as you do this. Also look for shapes in the tea leaves—it’s kind of like looking for shapes in the clouds. Another method is to gaze at the tea leaves and let your focus “soften”, like when you’re looking at a Magic Eye image. See if any shapes or messages come to you that way. You can get super abstract here. That’s sometimes how your spirit guides (or intuition) will communicate with you. The answer to your questions should be revealed to you, if not now, in the next couple days. Watch for signs!

Finally, hold your mug in your hands and close your eyes. Thank the moon for co-creating with you.

Your moon spell is complete.

Moon tea spells