Honor the flow of divine timing.

The moon is beautiful and mysterious. It appears differently to us each night. The moon teaches us to trust the cycles of our bodies, minds, and souls. You are unique, and your natural rhythms do not need to be in sync with anyone else’s. Everything is unfolding just as it should. The pale blue light of the moon will grow and fade on its own schedule. Do not rush. Honor the flow of divine timing. Just like the moon, you are always on time.

When you receive the Moon card, it’s time for you to be still and allow your soul to receive the subtle messages from the moon and the universe. Make time for meditation and rest. You are in a position now to gain vital information from the spirit realm regarding your goals and your spiritual journey.

If you are going through a period of darkness right now, know that darkness ebbs and flows. It will not always be dark. The lessons you are learning at this time are not useless. They are guiding you to a most exquisite surprise.

Stand in the darkness and remember—you are not in the energy of waiting, you are in the buoyant energy of anticipation.

Practical Magic for the Modern Goddess

Consider aligning your energy to the moon at this time with a moon bath.

To take a moon bath, go outside or by a window. Even if buildings are blocking your view or it’s a cloudy night, you can still absorb the cleansing energy of the moon.

Feel the glow of lunar energy on your arms, face, and the crown of your head. Bask in the energy. Breathe it in. Taste it. Smell it. Energetically bathe yourself in moonbeams.

After your moon bath, journal about any thoughts, images, or feelings that come up. Thank the moon for sharing its abundant energy. It is always there for you whenever you need it.