Look within.
All the answers you need are within you. Right at this moment, your intuition is softly nudging you. “This way, Goddess. This way to your deepest desire and your highest potential.”
This isn’t the time to look for outside advice—not even from your closest friends or a trusted spiritual teacher. You, and only you, know exactly what to do next.
Don’t worry about saying the wrong thing. It won’t happen. Don’t worry about making the wrong choice. That’s impossible. Your words and actions can never be right or wrong—they can only be tools for healing. Don’t worry about people thinking you’re crazy for following your heart.
Because guess what?
You’re. Not. Crazy.
You are listening to guidance that you are getting from the oldest, wisest, most powerful, and most loving part of yourself—your intuition.
Unlike your mind, which can sometimes get caught up in logic and societal expectations, your intuition will always point you in the right direction.
It may not be the safest direction or the conventional one, but it will always guide you to the people, places, and situations you need to fully stand in your power.
You don’t ever have to take the advice of your intuition if you don’t want to. Oftentimes, it sounds difficult, scary, and downright illogical. But keep in mind, doing things because they seem “logical” can lead to regret. If you ignore the patient, but persistent voice of your intuition for too long, you may look back at your life and wonder “what if?” Nothing is guaranteed in this world, no matter how sensible it may sound. If you follow your intuition, however, you will surely discover unimaginable surprises and adventures throughout your life.
Listen now—what advice is your Intuition whispering to you?
Practical Magic for the Modern Goddess
Take a walk in nature or find a quiet spot in your home. Spend a moment listening to the timeless wisdom of your intuition. To help tap into your intuition, light a white candle or a candle in your favorite color. Sage or jasmine incense are also both excellent herbs for strengthening your connection to your intuition.
Intuition is a driving force in magic. Intuition is how you know if you’re in alignment with your desires. If you’re not, intuition can help you get there.
Intuition comes into play a lot when you are visualizing during a candle spell or meditation. Your intuition will alert you to anything that doesn’t feel quite right. When that happens, spend time doing shadow work through journaling until you uncover underlying blocks and false beliefs.
Call on the power of your intuition whenever you want, day or night, when you’re feeling joy or sadness. It will always have an answer for you.