Pump up the energy.
Ginger is a little sweet and a little spicy, just like you, Goddess. This plant is known across many different cultures for its potent healing properties such as decreasing nausea and inflammation. In magic, ginger is also used for a variety of purposes like delivering much-needed energy when you’re feeling a little sluggish, calling in abundance, and stepping fully into your personal power.
The Ginger card is something to be happy about. It signals a time of high energy and personal power. You might be called on to do more than what you’re used to, and it might feel like uncharted territory for you, but rest assured—you’ve got this, Goddess.
You might feel a sense of anticipation or momentum building, and you’re not wrong. The Ginger card brings with it challenges that might require a great deal of effort, but it will be something that plays to your strengths. Hard work doesn’t feel so hard when it involves a special talent or skill that you were born to do.
Get ready, Goddess, and make sure you’re getting enough sleep. You’re going to need all the energy you can get.
Ginger is also associated with romantic love. This card might appear in your life just before you meet someone who makes your knees weak and your heart pound. If you’re in a relationship, it can mean you’re about to enter a time of renewed passion that brings back that butterflies-in-the-stomach feeling.
Practical Magic for the Modern Goddess
Use the Ginger card with an orange or yellow candle when you desire a boost of energy.
Sip a cup of ginger tea under the waxing moon to draw your goals to you faster.
You can also carve a poppet of yourself out of ginger root. Set a crystal or oracle card on the poppet to call in a specific intention or goal.
For beauty magic, set your ginger poppet out under the full moon to absorb the sparkling, gorgeous moonlight. You’ll wake up the next morning positively glowing like the modern goddess you are!