Was it really an accident?
You’ve probably cursed someone with the evil eye without even knowing it. It’s one of the simplest curses in magic, and sometimes you can’t even help it! All it takes is one dirty look aimed at someone who wronged you. Maybe it was just an accident. After all, you were really angry! Your energy-charged glance came from an overflow of emotion, not an attempt to curse someone.
Or...maybe you did mean to curse that person. That can be your little secret.
Whatever the situation, the Evil Eye card can be a message to watch out for misunderstandings. Did that person really mean to wrong you? Should you give him or her the benefit of the doubt? Instead of speculating, why don’t you just ask?
Communication might be causing you some trouble now, Goddess, so really think about everything you say before you say it. If someone hurts your feelings or does something careless, don’t lose your temper. Step away from the situation until your emotions have had time to settle.
Practical Magic for the Modern Goddess
The evil eye curse is cast when you shoot someone the meanest, ugliest, angriest look you can muster. It’s quick, too.
Typically the evil eye curse is cast in a split second. If you suspect you’ve been cursed with the evil eye, sit under the full moon to cleanse yourself of any lingering curses.
You can also charge a cup of water with a clean, polished smoky quartz crystal and drink that elixir. As you do this, think the following affirmation:
“I radiate the pure, white light of the universe from the inside out.”
A final way to undo a curse is to make a poppet of yourself and bury it in the earth for one lunar cycle. Dig it up, and you’ll be vibrating with all the beautiful, fresh energy of the earth and the moon.