Set yourself up for success.
Crystals are amazing treasures found deep within the earth. In magic, crystals are thought to hold very high vibrations. Each crystal has a specific lattice system, a pattern of cell units that repeat over and over. These different crystal lattice systems each give a crystal a certain vibrational frequency and energy.
Because the vibrational frequency of a crystal comes from its structure, it can consistently hold its high vibration. When you hold a crystal, it will automatically raise your vibration and the vibration of the space around you.
A crystal grid is a magical method of combining the different energies of crystals by arranging them in a specific pattern.
The Crystal Grid card urges you to set yourself up for success. Before you make your next big move, it might be wise to consider all the different outcomes and take measures to make sure you have the best experience possible. What kind of support systems would help you now? This could be family, friends, a club, religious organization, or teacher. What resources can you pull from to help you make this leap?
Consider what your strengths and weaknesses are right now. How can you use your strengths to help get you closer to your desire? Do you need to put some energy towards strengthening your weaknesses before you move forward? Consider all factors at play.
In the area of relationships, the Crystal Grid card can be a sign to lean on your partner, your family, or your friends at this time in your life. Ask for their advice and filter it through your intuition. Tell them your problems and allow them to give you emotional support. Maybe you even need to take it a set further and ask for them to share their resources with you. You don’t always have to do everything alone, Goddess. Support is always available if you know where to look.
If you get the support you need, you’ll be able to move forward confidently down the road that leads straight to your personal victory.
Practical Magic for the Modern Goddess
You can create your own crystal grids intuitively. First, place a crystal in the center of your grid. This will be your focus stone, the place where all the energy of the other crystals will gather. Crystal points work well as focus stones, but crystals of any shape will work.
Next, arrange crystals around the focus stone in layers. Play with creating different shapes and see which ones you connect with most. Think about the different energies of each crystal and use crystals that you think will best support your intention.
When you’re ready to activate your crystal grid, write your intention down on a piece of paper, fold it up, and place it under your focus stone. Leave your crystal grid up for at least one night, but one full lunar cycle (about 28 days) is ideal.