Look to the future.

In magic, a crystal ball is used as a divination method called scrying. You light a candle or two and look into the crystal ball, letting your gaze soften. Images, thoughts, symbols, and emotions will flit through your mind as you slip into a meditative state. Shapes of the objects in the room will appear differently when they’re reflected on the surface of the crystal ball. Your intention during this spell is to receive any messages or guidance from the spirit world.

When the Crystal Ball card appears, you are being called to look toward your future. This is a time to make plans. Don’t look back and don’t get stuck on what your present situation looks like.

Though there is a time to reflect on how far you’ve come, right now you must keep your eyes on the horizon. If you turn around and look behind you, you’ll lose your way.

Keep moving steadily towards the light. If you feel weary, trust that it’s only temporary. If you feel frustrated, know that you’ll get there eventually.

If you have any fears about your future, you can let go of those at this time. Your future will likely have some ups and downs, and there might be days when you don’t get what you want. But you're playing the long game, Goddess. Obsessing over the past is just not your style.

Practical Magic for the Modern Goddess

You can purchase crystal balls online or at a metaphysical shop. They come in all different sizes and price points. Some are as small as two inches wide. They’re usually made of rose quartz, clear quartz, smoky quartz, amethyst, onyx, or obsidian. For a less expensive option, you can also use a “crystal” ball made of glass.

The full moon and waning moon phases are the best times for scrying with a crystal ball, especially during the winter months.

To try scrying with a crystal ball, light some candles, cleanse your space, and turn off all the lights. Keep a journal nearby to jot down any messages or thoughts that move through your mind. Play some haunting music in the background to get you more in the mood for magic and sip a cup of lavender tea to enhance your psychic abilities.