Get down to business.
Citrine is a type of quartz that has a yellowish-orange color to it. Known as the “merchant stone,” citrine is a favorite among goddesses with entrepreneurial leanings. This stone is also known for increasing confidence and attracting material success.
When the Citrine card shows up, it’s time to bring your focus to matters of business, money, investment opportunities, and the material comforts you have in your life. The simplest way to get more money and success is to be grateful for the success you currently have in your life. Look at your bank balance (big or small) and send a thank you up to the universe.
This card can also be a sign that money and material comforts are coming your way. You might want to examine your money habits and make some adjustments. That way, when the abundance that you desire arrives, you’ll know exactly what to do with that money. Open a savings account if you don’t already have one. Read up on how to invest.
Be on the lookout for your next big opportunity, Goddess! It’s right around the corner.
Practical Magic for the Modern Goddess
During the waxing moon or full moon phases, light a green or gold candle and hold a piece of citrine in your hands as you state your intention aloud. The most effective intentions are usually in the first person and present tense. Make up your own or use this one:
“Money flows to me quickly, easily, consistently, and abundantly from all directions, including the most unexpected channels. I receive this abundance with gratitude and love, knowing I deserve it, and I’ll use it to live my life to the fullest.”