Q + A: "How do I create and sell spells and potions as a business?"

A question from the Facebook Group:

Kate asks, “How do I learn to do spells as I want to bottle and sell them?”

(Read the blog post or listen the recording!)

There’s a lot to cover in this question, but I’ll streamline my answer for the sake of clarity. I personally believe that anyone can create and perform spells, but it might take some time to get familiar with magic and spell-crafting before you’re ready to make a business out of it. Just be kind to yourself and don’t rush the process. That’s all part of the fun.  

The first step would be to create spells that work for you. To do this, I recommend lots of experimentation. Try your spells out on yourself and ask your friends and family to test them. To create a spell, think of a clear intention—something that is in the first person, present tense, and with a focus on the positive. Then you can write out that incantation as a statement or incantation.

For example, let’s say you want to make a love potion. Your intention can be something like, "I am in a relationship with my ideal partner who is perfect for me in every way, who challenges me and supports me, as I do for him/her/them."  

Or you can write an incantation that says the same thing in a poem or simple rhyme. 

Next, you'll need to use oils, herbs, crystal bits, candles, incense cones, or whatever magical tools you want to create your potion or spell kit. Make sure you do your research since some herbs and oils are dangerous and can cause allergic reactions, aren't safe for people with certain health conditions, etc. 

You can pick magical items for your potion intuitively or you can use traditional correspondences. Look at books, articles, folklore, and other other witch resources you can find as you do this.

If you're selling these bottles, look into the legality of this. You might have some issues if you are selling products that have health benefits. Some witches say in their listing that these products are for magical or spiritual purposes only. I've also seen witches say the products are for entertainment purposes only. You'll have to research that further to make sure you're abiding by the laws of your country.

Finally, write out thorough directions for how someone can use this potion. I wouldn't say it was for use on skin or for drinking because that will put your product in a category of a health or beauty product and you'll have to look into the rules for that. 

Be sure to include troubleshooting tips for people such as, "Visualize your ideal outcome of your spell, and if any negative or self-sabotaging thoughts arise, stop the spell and journal about them." In my experience, the reason spells don't work is because of the subconscious blocks and limiting beliefs we have. Spells can and DO work despite our limiting beliefs, but if you teach people how to release them on their own, they'll see their spells manifest so much faster.

One more thing: when you're starting a business, you're going to bump up against your own self sabotaging beliefs. I see mine everyday, every time I sit down to work on my business. 

I often feel scared that people will think I'm a fraud, that I'll say the wrong thing, that I'll embarrass myself, that I'll hurt someone's feelings, etc. You'll see what your own fears are when you start to work on your business.

My advice is that whenever you feel scared or blocked, recognize the feeling for what it is—a FEELING, and not necessarily the truth.

Just because someone thinks I'm full of BS doesn't mean I am. Likewise, just because someone thinks I'm some wise, witchy guru doesn't mean I am. (I'm not a guru, FYI. I'm just a fellow witch like yourself figuring this crazy magic stuff out one experiment at a time.)

So there you have it. 

Good luck to you, Kate!!!! Go out and make some magic!!! Don't let the haters get you down! You are so magical! 

Julie Hopkins