A Tarot Spread for the Current Lunar Energies || August Full Moon
Today I have a video to help you tap into the energy of the upcoming full moon—August’s Sturgeon Moon—using tarot cards and candles.
I’ll walk you through an in-depth tarot reading with my interpretation of the current lunar energies, and I’ll also provide the questions I ask for each card so you can try this spread on your own at home!
August Sturgeon Moon Energy Tarot Spread
Card One: What energy will this full moon will bring?
Card Two: How can I make the most of this energy?
Card Three: What in my life is ready to be harvested?
Card Four: What in my life can I be grateful for?
Card Five: How can I feel more abundant?
Card Six: How will I grow during this full moon?
Card Seven: How will the universe help me during this time?
Card Eight: What surprises will the universe bring my way?
Card Nine: What message do I need to receive this full moon?
Optional Oracle Card Energy Reading: Modern Goddess Oracle Deck