Meditate and Cast a Spell With a Virtual Midsummer/Litha/Summer Solstice Altar!

If you want to join me for this year’s Midsummer sabbat, I’ve set up an altar to meditate at!

It’s a great way for solitary witches (such as myself) can connect with other magical women through the magic of the internet. Here’s how to use this virtual altar:

Step One: Think of your intention. Because Midsummer is a celebration of the abundance in nature, any kind of abundance spell is perfect for this occasion. It doesn’t have to be about financial abundance. It could be about love, career, friendships, or anything else you’d like more of on your life!

Step Two: Write your desire as a statement. The most powerful intentions are written in the first person, in present tense, and with a focus on the positive (what you want to call in, not what you want to get rid of or minimize). Type up your magical statement and virtually send it up into the universe. Speak your intention as you send your intention up into the universe.

Suggested Affirmation to Activate Your Spell:

“I am pure magic, and I allow abundance TO FLOW into my life effortlessly. “

(For your privacy, your intentions are not shared with anyone and are completely anonymous.)

Step Three: Gaze at the altar and visualize what your life will look like once your desire has manifested. See it in your mind’s eye like a scene in a movie. What kind of person will you be? What will your day look like? How will you dress? How will you act? What will you feel like? Take 5-10 minutes to visualize your desire.

To create your own Midsummer, Litha, or Summer Solstice Altar, Check out these tips:

Deck out your altar with all the colors that you associate with the sun, and make sure you incorporate fire into your ceremony in whatever way makes sense for you. It can be a candle, an outdoor bonfire, or even a crystal or trinket that reminds you of fire. (Make sure to practice proper fire safety when working with fire.) You can also use objects that you associate with abundance such as coins, pyrite crystals, or lively green plants.

Happy Midsummer, Goddess!

Julie xx

Julie Hopkins