The "Shake It Off" Tarot Spread


The “Shake If Off” Tarot Spread {Free Printable}

(Scroll to the bottom to get the free printable of the Shake It Off Tarot Spread)

Maybe you know about the awful bullying I went through when I was in my early teens. I was overweight, my hair was oddly frizzy, and when you throw in the braces and glasses, it was the perfect storm of nerdiness.

Plus, I really loved baggy Hawaiian shirts? Not totally sure what that was about.

Don’t believe me?


If you’ve ever been teased for being overweight or different in any kind of way, those feelings of rejection, shame, and general low self-esteem tend to stick with you.

You carry that energy even after you’ve changed.

I think part of the reason I thought of myself as “the fat kid” for so long was because a lot of well-meaning adults told me that I was big-boned or that those extra forty pounds were due to genetics not my diet or exercise habits.

People said those things to me to make me feel better about my weight, but the underlying message actually held me back for a long time.

It made me believe that I was “destined” to be “the fat kid” all my life—that it was and would always be my identity, that it was in my DNA.

After discovering personal development and magic, I realized that I could change all kinds of things about myself.

If I wanted to be a thin blonde woman, I could. If I wanted to be an entrepreneur, I could. If I wanted to learn a new skill, or be “that person” who goes to the gym every day, I could.

I could be rich. I could be independent. I could be successful. I could be anything I wanted.

All I had to do was create a vision, release old thought patterns, and shift my energy. That internal shift would then begin to change the external.

And it worked.

I’ve changed a lot since thirteen and all of my changes were for me and no one else. These changes were part of my personal journey of learning to own my power and honor the beautiful soul that I was (and am). Every day, I take another step towards my highest potential. (Even when it feels like I take a step back, I understand now that everything is a step forward. It’s all for my healing and growth.)

So what old version of yourself are you holding onto? What aspect of your life have you been told is outside of your control?

Is it really? Or are others saying that to make you feel better (or make themselves feel better)?

Are you destined to have a certain “identity” for the rest of your life? Or can you change?

Maybe you’ve already changed, but you still feel like the thirteen-year-old you who got bullied by the cool kids.

Whatever it is, it’s time to shake off that energy.

You don’t need it. You’ve outgrown it, and you’re ready to release it.

I do want to say that even though I’m ready to shake off the shame, rejection and low self-esteem left over from my middle school days, I honor the thirteen-year-old me. She was brave and gritty and resilient as hell. She learned how to make friends even in the midst of adversity.

That hard-earned resilience is the reason I was able to start two online businesses, to travel the world solo, and to forge my own life path. She’s the reason I’m so good at making friends now.

She is me, and I am her. And I love thirteen-year-old me just as much as thirty-two-year old me.

Still, it’s ok to shed old identities just as a snake sheds its skin. Growth is what life is all about.

So what’s your old “skin”? What part of yourself have you been told is out of your control or impossible to change? What’s something about yourself you’ve been taught to just accept?

It’s time to shake it off.

Here’s a tarot spread I’ve created to help you take another step towards your highest self. I hope you love it!

Shake It Off Tarot Spread

Card One: What energy am I ready to release?
Card Two: How is this energy currently holding me back?

Card Three: What did I learn (or how did I grow) from this old energy?

Card Four: What new energy am I ready to call in?

Card Five: How will this new energy help me grow?

Card Six: What qualities must I take on to embody this new energy?

Card Seven: What action must I take to embody this new energy?

Card Eight: A message of encouragement from the “past me”.

Card Nine: A message of encouragement from the “me” I am growing into.

If you haven’t checked out the Modern Goddess Oracle Deck, it’s now available! Here’s a video of the cards!

Thanks for reading, and never forget, you’re powerful!

Have a magical day,

Julie xx

P.S. Shoutout to Taylor Swift for writing an awesome song about shaking it off.

Julie Hopkins