Three Quick and Dirty Ways to Practice Magic Without Freaking People Out


Three Quick and Dirty Ways to Practice Magic Without Freaking People Out

Magic freaks people out sometimes. I get it. It’s especially jarring to people who don’t understand what it is and how it’s used. The word, “witch” is a highly controversial word. People hear that word and immediately get a mental picture in their minds. “Double, double, toil and trouble…”

(That’s Shakespeare, BTW. And you’ve got to hand it to him, his witchy poem in Macbeth is quite catchy.)

But the thing is, you don’t have to look or act a certain way to perform magic. You don’t have to wear black cloaks and stir a cast iron cauldron to step fully into your power. (Unless, of course, you WANT to do those things.)

All you have to do is show up. Just as you are.

You’re most powerful when your authentic self. Because you’re unique, your practice will probably look different than others’ practices. That’s great.

I use magic and tarot for personal development. Yes, I’m into full moon rituals and witchy celebrations. I love connecting with the spiritual energy that flows all around me.

But I also value my time here on earth. My soul chose to come here to planet earth at this point in time for a reason. I want to experience life in the physical realm! I want a spiritual practice that fits into my schedule, and creates flow and harmony with the people I share my life with. I’m not going to do a full-out ritual in an airport terminal. Likewise, I’m not going to burn a bunch of herb bundles at my asthmatic mother’s house when I’m there over Christmas. She’d be so pissed. And she’d probably cough a lot.

But I can still practice magic. No matter what. Though it may be a bit more low key, it won’t be any less powerful. Here are three quick and dirty ways to practice magic without freaking people out.

#1: Create a tiny altar for super-fast spells.

If you have any empty mint tins laying around, why not turn them into tiny pocket altars. You can cut two pieces of paper that fit perfectly inside the two sides of the mint tin—kind of like a locket.

Draw sigils or words on the papers, or cut out images from magazines that resonate with you and glue them to the paper.

If you want to add a bit of elemental magic to your tine altar, add something to represent each cardinal element. Place a color, symbol, or sticker that represents earth at the top of the inside of the tin. Place something to represent air in the “eastern” side (the middle right side) of your tin. Fire goes near the bottom (south), and water goes on the middle left (west).

Place a tea light inside the tin along with matches and a couple crystals.

When you’re ready to use the altar, you can open the mint tin and stand it up long ways, like an open door. Set up your crystals any way you want, and light your tea light.

Touch each “element” represented inside your altar and invite it to co-create with you during your quick magical ritual.

Spend two or three minutes visualizing the outcome of your magic as you gaze at your altar. (Everyone has at least two minutes. You can literally do this as you’re combing your hair or brushing your teeth.)

Extinguish the candle when you’re done with your ritual. Place the candle, crystals, and matches back in your mint tin…

...and you’re done! There now. Wasn’t that easy?

#2: Wear Crystal Jewelry and decorate your home with crystals.

Crystals are, like, so in right now. Which is awesome for you, you witchy woman. No one will bat an eye if you wear a citrine stone pendant on a necklace, or carry your keys on an amethyst key chain.

Crystal shops, big box stores like Target, and Etsy all sell beautiful crystal home decor. Add some subtle magic to your bathroom with a rose quartz candle holder. Witch-ify your kitchen with crystal-crusted mugs. This is a wonderful way to practice witchcraft in plain sight!

#3: Diffuse essential oils and use them as air fresheners.

Yes, you can do this with an adorable cast-iron cauldron as I’ve done, but you’ll definitely get some raised eyebrows. You can get the same effect without the spectacle by picking up an essential oil diffuser at the store. They sell these everywhere—online, big box stores, grocery stores, etc.

Follow the directions with your diffuser, add a few drops of essential oil, and turn it on! It will fill your room with a delightful, magical scent in no time. You’ll love it, and so will your roommates or house guest.

The trick to doing this is to set an intention as you’re adding your essential oil. Here are my favorite oils to use. I’ve included an intention and incantation that go with each oil.

Lavender for self-love and forgiveness.  

“I celebrate myself and the special people in my life. I trust that conflict and pain are tools for transformation. Open my heart to deep, lasting forgiveness.”

Patchouli oil for passion and sensuality.

“I connect with my body, and the pleasures I experience through it.”

Jasmine oil to call in feminine energy and connect to the moon.

”I honor my feminine energy and my divine connection to the moon. Just like the moon, I am perfectly balanced, light and darkness, masculine and feminine.”

Sage oil to strengthen your connection to your intuition or banish unwanted energy.

“I open my heart, body, and mind to the spirit world. I hear my intuition loud and clear.”


“This room is filled with energy that supports me and my spiritual growth. I am surrounded by high vibrations.”

If you don’t have a diffuser, you can even use a spray bottle. Fill it with water and add a few drops of essential oil. Spray the liquid in the four corners of any room as you speak your intention (in your head or aloud).

Check Back for More Quick and Dirty Magic!

That’s it for today! I’ll be back with more magical tips for witchy women who need some quick and dirty ways to practice! How do you practice your magic? Send me an email at and let me know!

I respond to every email and I love hearing from you!

Never forget, you’re powerful!

Have a magical day,

Julie xx

Oh, and if you haven’t downloaded a copy of my free magical oracle cards, get yours today! Choose from Moon Affirmation Oracle Cards or Magical Correspondences Oracle Cards.

Julie Hopkins