Your own personal sacred space.

Altars are sacred spaces where people perform magic. They can be inside or outside, elaborate or simple. What makes an altar sacred is not its location or what crystals, candles, or herbs are decorating it. An altar’s power comes from the energy you bring to it.

When you draw the Altar card, it’s a reminder to care for your surroundings. This includes your home, your workspace, your car, and even your body itself. These areas are very special places for you because you spend so much time there. If you live in a cluttered environment, it causes energy leaks. You don’t always notice it at first, but over time it will gradually lower your vibration.  

Have you neglected your own personal spaces? Have you ignored the needs of your body? Have you energetically shoved past pain or emotions in the closet, vowing to take care of it later?

Now is the time, Goddess. Clean your space—whatever that means to you—and see how your energy skyrockets. Once you elevate the places you spend most of your time, you’ll likely see the people and situations in your life changing simultaneously—as if by magic.

Practical Magic for the Modern Goddess

In magic, no two altars are the same. To create your own altar, think about how and where you most like to perform your magic. Are you always traveling? Carry your altar around in a makeup bag.

Do want an altar that fits in your pocket? Create one out of an empty mint tin by gluing two pictures to the inside of the tin. Stand it up on its side when you’re ready to use it. When not in use, fill it with birthday candles, small crystals, and meaningful trinkets.

Some goddesses will devote a drawer or shoebox to store their witchy supplies when not in use. Other goddesses will choose a room or corner of their home for their rituals and meditations and then put everything away when they’re finished. If you have the option, consider keeping your altar up all the time, always ready for you.

This is a totally personal choice, and all altars can be made sacred once you sit before it and begin your spiritual practice.

If you want even less to set up, you can visualize an entire altar in your head. No one said your altar needs to exist in the physical realm! Your “mental atlar” can include the rarest, most exquisite crystals, a beautiful tapestry, and a thousand twinkling candles.